What does my name mean? And what was I like in my 'past life'?



What does the name “Janice” mean? A name is much more than just a name!

is for jubilant, the upbeat you!

is for activities, for you have many.

is for nice, need I say more? (Nope! ^^ Afterall, I AM JaNICE. *trollface*)

is for intense, your zest of living.

is for change, you are able to adapt.

is for enchant, for enchant you will.

The name “Janice” is of English origin and it means “God Is Gracious”. It’s a name commonly given to girls. (Amen~ ^^ God is good!)

According to the 1939 U.S. Social Security Administration data, the name “Janice” ranks #22 in popularity as a baby girl’s name in Massachusetts. Imagine that, 263 babies in Massachusetts have the same name as you in 1939. Across the entire United States a total of 8,777 babies also bear the same first name during the same year. The highest recorded use of the name “Janice” was in 1951 with a total of 15,929 babies. (That’s a lot of baby Janice)

OMG! It's tough being a popular person isn’t it? (IKR?! *flips hair* TROLOLOL...)

Since 1910, your name was recorded 401,465 times in American baby names history.

Your name in reverse order is “Ecinaj”. A random rearrangement of the letters in your name will give ‘Icneaj’(How do you pronounce that?)

Mystic Crystal BallDon’t you find it strange? The hyper-sensitive mystic crystal ball is sensing some weird vibes. It says: “Janice is thinking of 12 months of Disney's Club Penguin membership!” (WTF!! Whoa...that's scary. o.0 Club Penguin was my life when I was little and I always wanted membership on that kiddy site so I could get CLOTHES for my penguin. XD I think they deleted my account now. It's been a while since I went on that website...=/ LOL!!)

Your past life Janice:

I do not know how you feel about it, but you were a female in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of Northern Australia (Wow, I was born in Australia now too!) approximately on 1850. Your profession was philosopher, thinker. (totally me! ^^)

Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, waited until that life to be liberated. Sometimes environment considered you strange. (I AM strange. 8D)

Lessons that your last past life brought to present:
Your main lesson in present – to develop magnanimity and feeling of brotherhood. Try to become less adhered to material property and learn to have only as many, as you may give back.

Now do you remember? (LOL...no. ==" I don't believe in incarnation, but this seems interesting)

Source: http://www.themeaningofnames.org/


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fyx4avaa10yearSs #1
My real name means 'whisper'
soojoon501 #2
my name means 'joy'
Yeah me too. Nice my real name means 'offering.'