Cannot Sleep + Key's man

So it's about 2 in the morning in England. Haha and I can't sleep. 

I'm just going to tell you what happened in the plane ride. 

So from the Philippines to our stop over, it went really well. Even though it was like a six hour plane ride. The only problem I had was, I could not eat, at all! Because we all know how airplane food ! XD 

Then stop over, my older brother and I went to get my older sister chocolate because she was ing about it (time of month) and she kept telling us, "You guys go buy me some ing chocolate now!" and our parents were like, "Cim, Cannon, just buy your sister chocolate, please." So like the innocent angels we were we got her some chocolate (we don't know the name, we just got her some dang chocolate okay?) and she starts getting pissy because she wants coffee not chocolate. If I didn't love her, I would've punched her. So my brother, God bless him, went to Starbucks' and got her a White Chocolate Mocha. There problem solved. 


Another problem that we had was we had a 4 hour stop over, so my dad being impatient, wanted to take an early flight to the UK. So we asked the people and she said that it was possible but the only available seats were the first class seats, and that we needed to pay an extra $137 to swap the seats. And we did and my dad gave the woman the money. 


We arrived in England, god knows what hour it was, and hailed a cab to my aunt's house. We totally surprised her, she didn't expect us till the next day. 


Today I will be seeing all my friends and visiting my old school. Yays :)) But I can't sleep. Jet lag (*cue music* So Jet Lag~ Ohhhh wooohhh oohhhh~~!) maybe? 


England is still the same as I remembered it 2 years ago. Unexpected weather and scones. Mhhmm scones. 


Now enjoy this wonderful macro~ 





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Scones xD
awww im sorry about your plane ride but family is family hehe :)
and omg love the macro!!