50 things about Cim as a SHAWOL

So, a lot of people have been blogging this, so... I decided to make my own one. XD



1. Who is your bias in SHINee?



2. What is your main OTP(s)?

    JongKey and 2MIN (I can't pick between the two) 


3. Which member in SHINee is your bias list ruiner?

  Onew, Taemin, Minho and Jonghyun.


4. Rank the members from favorite to least favorite.

Key, Onew, Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun... that's the order for today 


5. Who was your first bias in SHINee and has that bias changed?

Key has always been my bias. Lockets FTW!! 


6. How did you discover SHINee?

  I've been a fan since their debut, about 11 yrs. old at the time, because my older siblings are otakus and k-pop fans and they easily corrupted influenced me to liking k-pop. But SHINee was like love at first sight. I swear to God I was like *o* when I saw their debut stage and music video. 


7. When and how did you officially become a Shawol?

Uhhh.... see the previous question. 


8. FMK?

: Minho

Marry: Key

Kill: Jonghyun (sorry bb.)


9. First SHINee song you ever listened to?

Noona Neomu Yeppeo (Replay) 


10. First SHINee music video you ever watched?

Debut Music Video


11. Favorite album?

Do I have to pick? I guess Year Of Us and SHINee World 


12. Favorite song from said album?

Year of Us- Y.O.U. 

SHINee World- Romantic


 13. Least favorite song from said album?



14. Favorite song?

 I can't say I have a favorite, they're all so awesome. 


15. Least favorite song?

There's not really a least favorite. Once you hear a song from them, unnoticeably start to replay the song and then you sing it for the rest of the day. Annoying the fudge out of your brother... that's not me though... *shakes head* Nuh-uh. 


16. What are your top 5 SHINee songs?

1. Romantic

2. Y.O.U.

3. Jojo

4. Ready or Not

5. Honesty/The Reason


17. Favorite era?

Debut Days (because... that was it for me. I fell in love), Juliette, Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer, and Sherlock. 


18. How many SHINee albums do you own?

Heh. ^^;; 

(I have all of them even the Japanese singles) 


19. Which member would you want as a brother?

Mmm, Jonghyun. He seems like the kind of brother that you can joke around and stuff. But I guess he'll be protective? lol. 


 20. Which member would you want as a best friend?

Onew, because he's goofy but he's also mature. 


21. Which member would you want as a boyfriend?

Key because he understands women. (Have you guys heard the "Chocolate story some actor was talking about? That was like the sweetest thing ever!) 


22. Which member would you want to marry?



23. Have you ever seen SHINee perform live?

Twice.  in Japan and in LA.


24. Have you ever cried over SHINee?    

All the time. 


25. If yes to question #24, when and for what reason?

There are many moments when I cried for a member. I cried when Onew told the story about his puppy and how he wasn't strong enough to hold it. I cried when Jonghyun cried when he said he was sorry that he was causing us trouble (referring to SSK relationship) and when he said he was sorry about being injured hence he couldn't dance. I cried when Key cried during their concert and when he told the story about his grandmother. I cried when Minho told, on live radio broadcast, why he cares for Taemin. I cried when Taemin said that he misses his family and when he told us that to reach your dream you have to sacrifice something, he sacrificed his friends to reach that said dream... The list could go on... I just love them so much. 


26. How would you react if your bias announced he was in a relationship/getting married?

I would be happy for him, because really? Why should I be mad? It's not like he knows me or anything, right? He's in love. (Key you're going to get married in 2021 right? lol) 


27. What would you do if your bias came out and professed his flaming homouality to the entire world?

  I would be like, "Seriously? That wasn't a surprise to me at all. Have you seen the fancams? You guys make it too easy. -.- Now go get married." 


28. If your bias was convicted of a crime, say he committed homicide, would you continue to support him?


Key? Kill anyone? Can he kill someone with one of his fits? XD But to answer the question, yes, I would still support him. 


29. What’s one thing you will say to your bias before he enters the army?

"Key! When they tell you to run, run okay? Don't sass them! They might do mean things to you. I'll miss you bb!" 


30. Favorite thing about Onew?

    The way that he leads. He's not like other leaders. He leads s quietly. He's always there for s. 


31. Least favorite thing about Onew?    

 Is there anything not to like about Onew?


32. Favorite Onew hairstyle/era?

RDD, Lucifer, and Sherlock


33. If you could say one thing to Onew, what would it be?

  "I-I.... *faints*" 


34. Favorite thing about Jonghyun?

    How he's awkward showing his appreciation. (When they threw him a party at Hello Baby) 


35. Least favorite thing about Jonghyun?

  How he says that he's short. So what Jonghyun? lol. 


36. Favorite Jonghyun hairstyle/era?

    RDD hair. *nods head* RDD hair. 


37. If you could say one thing to Jonghyun, what would it be?

   "Take care of my Bummie, kay? I'll kill you if you break his heart." 


38. Favorite thing about Key

  God, everything. He's funny, confident, sociable, loud, how he laughs the loudest, how he's awkward at doing aegyo voluntarily but off camera he makes these cute faces that he doesn't even know. 


39. Least favorite thing about Key?    

Key has a flaw? XDD 


40.Favorite Key hairstyle/era?

RDD hair, his rainbow hair, Sherlock (his blonde hair and pink highlights) 


41. If you could say one thing to Key, what would it be?

      "Why do you keep rejecting his offer to marry you? It's getting old. Stop playing 'tsundere' and just marry him. You said you wanted to get married right?" 


42. Favorite thing about Minho?

  His caring attitude towards everyone. And how he's a good listener. 


43. Least favorite thing about Minho?

   Really? Minho is imperfect? 


44. Favorite Minho hairstyle/era?

RDD and Sherlock 


45. If you could say one thing to Minho, what would it be?

      "MARRY TAEMIN, NOW!!" 


46. Favorite thing about Taemin?

 How he's so innocent about what goes on in the world. lol. 


47. Least favorite thing about Taemin?      



48. Favorite Taemin hairstyle/era?

   Mushroom hair, red haired/mature hair cut, Lucifer hair. 


49. If you could say one thing to Taemin, what would it be?

     "So... Taemin... you guys don't have to hide. Just go public already!" 


50. Will you love SHINee forever?

    Duh! SHINee is like the light of my world. The strawberry filling to my pie. The charger to my dead phone. The cherry on my sundae. The Hello to my Kitty. 




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LOL @ no. 27 and 29 XD
"Don't sass them!"

Unnie, we have the same favorites!!
KEY, and romantic, and Y.O.U and ready or not, and Honesty and th- aish, why am I even telling you this?? *pouts*
Aww how cute love ur answers haha
awe so cute. i agree with most of them :D I love key too.
EnvyEdwards #4
Oh god, I love #45. You are a wonderful!
Omg this was glorious. I totally agree with most of these 0_e
It's like we're destined for each other :O