Checkmate Girl Application Form


♡Application Form♡


Name: Choi Jihyun

Birthdate: 15/1/1992

Your first Girl? Girl #5

Your second Girl? Girl #2

Why do you chose the role? For number 5 it's because I look up to people who have that kind of personality. And for number 2 it's because my friends say that I'm like that. I look cold but I'm a bit crazy.

Your appearance: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ulzzang used: Kwon Su Jeong | And for the tumblr. Most of them don't have HQ Pic but I'll give you a link to a AFF shop that has a lot of her pic.

Your ideal type: Someone who is quiet but caring.And cuteness is a plus. She doesn't like the bad boy type though. She finds them boring and too plain. An example of her ideal type is Lee Kiseop from UKISS

Your First EXO: Suho

Your Second EXO: Baekhyun


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