How to Cure Dry Lips ? (A request) and again a Random blog xDDD

Dry and chapped lips is a very common problem to Teenagers. Right? I suffer from this problem too :) It's because I live in a place where the weather changes from hot to cold and cold to hot. Philippines. Now it's really hot here. Any Filipinos there who agrees? Anyway, the causes of dried lips are:


1.Climate change - Cold weather dries the lips and hot weather dehydrates it.

2. Dehydration -  If the body does not have enough water the extremities, including the lips, will show that lack first.

3. Vitamin deficiencies

4. Spicy foods.. Very hot foods cause dry lips in some people. (But I don't xDD)

5. Skin disorder. Any history of a skin disorder can be related to dry or cracked lips.


How to treat ??


1. Drink plenty of water - (Again water, water water) it'll prevent you from dehydration that causes dry lips. 

2. Apply unflavoured lip balm, petroleum jelly, or cucumber! Just slice a piece and rub it in your lips for 10 minutes :)

3. Do not your lips. your lips makes them feel better, but when the saliva evaporates, the pain can increase.. again. Do not!

4. Do not rub your sore lips with a toothbrush, nail file or anything else of that nature.

5. Always go in the sun wearing sunscreen on your lips. Otherwise lips get dry, dark and patchy.

6. Milk cream can be applied many times on the lips to remove the dry dead skin and to make them smooth (I promise you this helps!)

7. Apply moisturizer-based lipstick on the lips then the dry ones.


So yeah those are my tips ^_^ 

And the one who requested this is a friend of mine and well I hope she'll read this (duhhh)





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1. I don't drink water.
2. Usually don't uses lip balm, but when I do, it's often flavoured.
3. I my lips all the time.
4.Why would I?
5. Never did, never probably will.
6. Never done it.
7. You know what I said earlier.

And still my lips are perfect :3 Not dry at all^^ Usually I hate my life but sometimes I realise im lucky in some points, like this one! Because im to lazy to do all that :P
DemonAngel_1165 #2
your a Filipino?
w8, I thought u were Korean?!
Well, Im Filipino too :))
But I don't live in the Philippines. I live in the U.S.