Key knows about the Chocolate Thing

The actress in 'Catch me if you can updated her blog. 

“I’m not that familiar with KEY-sshi, and because I only have a small role, we’ve never really talked. On the second day of the rehearsal, I had terrible cramps from my period, and during break time, I crouched down in a corner clutching my stomach, it was really painful then. The pain was really unbearable, and then suddenly, a hand tapped my shoulder. I raised my head to see KEY-ssi, but before I can even react to my surprise, he handed me a pack of chocolate without a word, smiled at me and walked away. I was really touched! KEY-ssi sent me warmth and care when I most needed it! And from then on, I became a SHINee fan!!”

Source: &빛나 는 SHINeeWorld’ᄇ’ FB
Chinese translation : 炸雞上的大哥 
Translation: ginazer


Awww...He knows. So caring. Key! You're making me fall in love with you more! 


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drea-underthesea #1
Key~ This is one of the reasons why he is my bias. ♥
awwww no wonder key is te omma of shinee~
he even know that thing~
I want him to be my girlfriend. He seems like the type of boys that understands woman, in woman's perspective. One that we can rely on.
There's no words, haha key really is amazing.
awwnn key!! ;U; cutie
LOL that's really sweet and also really hilarious xD Gotta love that boy <3
Aw, he's just the sweetest oppa ever. :)
(my mouth agape)WOW, This was shoking!!! he is so caring!! omo, ottoke!!
Awwwwwww Key oppa is so cute and sweet <3
Kyyyyaaaa!! key is the best! :) marry me Kim kibum!
omg! i love him!!
dats so sweet and just himself
awww! this made me become more of a Locket than i already am! ^^
he's so sweet!
This is why I love him. He's so sensitive~ ;~;