
Watching Tokio Hotels videos and what not.

Found an interview.

I still can't stop spazzing over their adorable German accents.

They start the interview by denying the rumor that they had been going to collab with Miley Cyrus.

And then the interviewer asked: "Do you think you could kick her in Rock Band?"

They all said "Yes."

lol mind you this interview is from 2008, so its old. But it still had me laugh my off. 

You know you've listened to one version of a song WAYYYY too much when you listen to the English version and you still sing the German. lolol I keep doing that with "Heilig/Sacred". 

Okay. I'm done :3 


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Agreed fellow alien:) I am so glad they aren't collaborating with her!! Do you like the new album?
XD you're such a weirdo
aerokinesis #3
I've seen them live like... Four years ago?
I don't really like the members but some of their songs are quite nice. I like the German versions better, though.