Just Out of Curiosity...

Why are so many people hating on the featured stories here? So what if they're mostly about a fangirl living with her idol's, yeah yeah those are REALLY over-used but who cares in all honesty. Haven't you ever dreamed about living with your idols once? I know I have X3 Even wrote a few fanfiction's on it...

I know the chance's of meeting our idol's are very slim; but that's why we have FANFICTION you guys. We can't make that dream a reality, so we just write fanfiction about it and share it with others.

Some of the female character's with living with idol stories can be pretty mary-sueish but do you guys really know the term mary sue?

Mary sue: A incredibly perfect character with hardly any flaws, loved by everyone, incredibly strong (depending on the story), never gets injured, super smart etc.

Okay maybe some of the character's in 'living with your idols' stories do have these traits; but ya know what as long as you tell the author their character is a Sue just politely tell them and not go off on a HUGE rant to them, about how mary-sueish their character is other-wise they may not listen to you ^^;

Even if you tell them nicely their character is a Sue; I'm sure you'll get some lip from the author but think about it wouldn't you do the same?

Maybe not...

Oh well.

And you guys do realize the owner of the site (who's pretty cute I might add XD) doesn't pick which story gets featured; it's all done by computer I think. Just randomly and by how many subscriber's/karma you have I guess. I don't know really.


And that'd be it. I'm not ranting or anything, just curious why so many AFF user's hate the featured stories and rant about them in blogs or whatever or even worse put them on Asianfanfics or whatever the hell the site is called.

They are not jealous either if they're bashing a featured story, that's...kind of immature in a way when people say that ^^; I used to say 'Oh they're just jealous!' but I grew out of that.


And one last little note from me: Don't write just to get featured, write because it's your passion or hobby :D


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I know isn't he? XD Just had to throw that in there ^^
Indeed people have the right to bash I guess, but common sense would be 'don't like it, don't read it and forget it even exists' right? :3

I try to make my male oc's not gary-stueish or anything like that. I'm more of a male oc fan then female oc ^^;
Yeah the guy is cute XD. But I can see both sides to the coin. Why people WOULD bash them and why people SHOULDN'T. It's about personal taste and what you like. There are fanfics that don't have the Mary Sues and the idols living together but they aren't discovered due to the lack in popularity for such ones :/ I would know because I have a non mary-sue OC in one of my fanfics :s.
I know what you mean ^^;
Yeah, totally agree with what you said ^^ But sometimes it's hard to find a fanfic that's NOT like that ;_;
I'm more into too LOL
Indeed. I'm aware the site is full of them too, but you have the choice just to not read them ^^; I also don't read featured stories but some of them look pretty interesting...truthfully though I'm more into male oc fanfics or stories then female oc ones XD

@peodbear: O__O Was that sarcasm? Sorry I have a hard time picking up on that stuff X3 I'm not too fond of mary sues as I don't wish to be one either, I don't want to be perfect.
I don't really care if there are only a few stories like that. But it gets really annoying when the whole site is filled with the same type of story, and when almost all the featured stories are like that.
Yeah that's how features work. And I totally agree, he's pretty cute :*
I don't read the featured stories unless they catch my interest. Like the one which brought Neverland from Ukiss to life, with the supernatural stuffs. That one was good. ^^
I don't tell people their character is a mary/gary sue unless they ask my honest opinion on the character, featured story or not.
well...I really love the mary Sue character . Maybe it it is over used but don't we all wish to be a mary sue?