Teenagers, Do you really get mad and moody for no reason sometimes?

So, me and boyfriend who is 2 years older than me were talking. And suddenly he starts telling me how teenagers are naturally moody. Is that true? I mean, personally, I'm calm..well, not here on AFF obviously xD.

This is just a question, are you guys like that too? and if you are, do you realize that you're moody WHEN you're moody or after?


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Yes, that's just how teenagers are :) It's normal :)) Hoho!
lol I'm always moody lol
well that's just me
I mean after I'm moody
I don't know why I said busy.
I'm moody but I thought it was just a girl thing. Well I don't realize I'm moody until after I'm busy.
I'm 21 and still get moody sometimes lmao
But idk if its maybe mostly a girl thing
I'm not moody for no reason I guess. Its like when I'm happy and a minute after that I'm mad...it only means one thing..someone pissed me off XD

But I notice that this past few days I have mood swing... because of the hot weather .. I'm easy to get mad
I'm naturally moody because I'm bipolar. But all teenagers are moody sometimes during their craziness or sometimes after. But it's all just part of the hormones LOL.
im naturally moody , one moment i will be fine .. next i will be crazy ! LOL .. but then again hormones are a cause of mood swings ! different levels of hormones send a message to the brain making people moody !
sjfangirl #9
Yes, to be honest I think I am. Some people say that when you get mad for reason, it means that you miss someone. @__@
i have no idea. XD
LoveyouCheondoong098 #11
Actually Im finding out Now a days Im getting more moodier and getting more mad at my mom O_o since now Im a teenager not too long ago.
I'm 19 as well so I think of myself as a teen still ^^; I don't argue with my nana or mom as much anymore, I was pretty easy-going when I was younger and still am sort of ha ha. I think we all have day's where we are moody and emotional, it's not just a teenage thing ^^
YoonYulsnsd #13
I'm 19 so am I still considered a teen? I think of myself as an ajumma xD. but when I was 12-16, I did fight with my parents a lot and cried for some hilarious reasons. I remember my mom said, "Changmin isn't handsome" and I went hyrestic lol. I didn't realize it back then, but now, I laugh whenever I recall these memories haha.
I think what your boyfriend said is a very stereotypical response to how teenagers are "seen" as.
But I think it depends on the occasion in which one would naturally become moody.
I for one, am very moody.