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About Me

I'm almost 16. 
... Single.
Yeah I'm gonna go sleep o k bye.
>>Lol jk I don't sleep<<




{*Big Bang, Block B, 2pm, SHINee}

* ultimate bias group


I should introduce myself, shouldn't I? Um. Well. I don't tell my name to anyone who isn't close to me, I like cats more than I like dogs.
My favorite color is green. I'm an emotional trainwreck when it comes to Big Bang.
I like girls more than I like boys.
my sister, my soul sister.
We have that sisterly bond that can't be found anywhere else.
I don't know what it is about her that I love, but I love her.
Tbh, I'd rather spend an eternity and beyond with her than my husband or wife.





For all my roleplay advertizing homies out there, listen up.

ONLY ADVERTIZE THROUGH PM. I don't want my wall to be clogged up.

Only advertize if the following characters are available:

If they aren't, don't bother advertizing.
Also, if you are going to advertize, before your advertizement include one of the following:
- Why Big Bang is thE BEST GROUP EVER.
- Your bias is Block B (if you have one).
- The most embarrassing moment of your life.


If none of these rules are to be followed, I will delete your ad and.... will happen.