I can't update :(


Tonight. I'm feeling a bit depressed but I'm okay with it yet when I found what happened to EXO-M, I just.. I want to cry T^T

I love EXO but I'm an inch biased with EXO-M and I just feel really bad. I hope they're fine :(

MC (at the 12th Billboard Music Awards Ceremony): 

“Stop cheering (the fans), they (EXO-M) can’t understand you anyway!” 

“There are no Chinese people in this group (EXO-M)”

“(to MIC) you’ll be able to take down these Korean groups.”


I wanna grill that MC alive.

Anyway, Kris pawned her like a boss :>



I feel protective towards these boys. Just like with what I feel with ZhouRy.

I'll update tomorrow. Good night~


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oh well
that was rude
-feels like i should go and yell at them in Chinese...-
Rude. They should do their research first. They aren't called Exo-M if they don't have Chinese members, just like SJ-M. SME wouldn't put up a group without members who can speak and understand Chinese. What did Kris say anyway? :p
I didn't know what happened, can you tell me what Kris said to defend s? That MC needs to be taken down from his spot, seriously. I didn't even know what happened but reading a glimpse of what the MC said just pissed me off.
No one can say anything like that. It's just rude. and they're new. It's their debut, for God sake.
damn that MC. :| ruining their debut. :/
OMG.......I hope they will be okay and not feeling down by this...on their official debut day :((