Little Miss Difficult Review by Eiyana's Review Shop


#13 Review : Little Miss Difficult ( minminXP )

by someone and dolo_0 
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#13 Review : Little Miss Difficult ( minminXP ) - apply kpop request review hiring - chapter image


Fanfic: Little Miss Diffcult
Author: minminXP
Review by: Chelsey




Title [5/5]

Your title gives spunk and an interesting vibe, which attracts many subscribers, so thumbs up!

Description/Foreword/Prologue [5/5]

I like how you did your description. Most authors would use a third person POV in their description, but you put it in the main character's POV, which is creative. 

Though your story isn't like the majority, their are some others just like it. Nevertheless, it gives off an original vibe.

Flow [8/10]

You seem to start a new event after another one right after. Without making the previous event leave an impression on the story, it might make your subscribers think that these events don't add up much to the story, which it of course does.

I've noticed that instead of one major plot, you've put in small ones an example is her trip to Beijing and disappearing after the drama shooting. This might kinda confuse your subscribers, so be sure to point out that your story has many little plots in it. I like how you mixed real life characters and fictional characters. Yet, you gave the viewers a view into each of their personalities.

You never indented, and you really should've, but other than that, it was perfect. I loved the font, and the color. Simple and legible. I hate it when people write in cursive and/or rainbow in their stories. I just cannot read a story like that, no matter how good the storyline is. 


Your story is really detailed and I can imagine everything going on! Grammar and spelling is pretty good so no worries. I do think you could be a bit more descriptive though, and that you should've used more grand words. You know what I mean by that, right?

Bonus/Entertainment/Comment [15/15]

I loved the story! It was perfection! Maybe you could continue making small plots along the story, but add one major plot near the middle to end part of your story that can change things up a bit.  This will put your viewers on the edge of their seats and ask you for a sequel or epilogue, which could make you rise in your reputation as a good author. Also, your poster wasn't complicated, but instead simple. Which with a story as yours, gives a feel that the potential subscriber is going to read a quirky, humor-filled story, which it exactly is.

Total = 93 [A]


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