바보처럼 (lyrics written by Harasofea)




(babo cheoreom)

(Like An Idiot)


With those eyes that follows me,

All I can do is look down.


I can't help but to think that they see me as a weak.

Bit when i'm with you, I try my best not to look pitiful


You're the only person who trust me

But right now you aren't with me


Why did you look at me with such pitiful gaze?

Did you know how hurt I was?

Did you know how I need you?


But It wasn't you,I ran.

I was afraid to get hurt again.


I'm alone now, with eyes that follows me as I walk with my head down.

I'm afraid,

I'm afraid to look up again and see those eyes.


Right now all I need is you.

Why didn't chase after me when I ran?


I feel like an idiot, thinking that you would be after me.

I was and idiot to think you would be by my side, always.


Like an idiot I waited for you.

Why aren't you here?

Have you abandoned me also?


Like an idiot I was to trust you.

Why did I ever thought you were the one?


Like an idiot I was to be brave, for your sake.

Like an idiot I was to fall for you.


What do you guys think? y eh? >< i wrote it!! LOL if only someone could translate the lyrics to korean?


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can I try to make the translations? hehe~ just trying xD
may I?
daebak!!! ^^
I'M YOUR FIRST FAN!!!!!!! Autography, please? xD