Week in .... Dubai xD

Heeeey guys, wassup ~


I feel terriable for not being able to update regulary all my fics for the pst month... but t least I try to double update whenever I get a chace or access to the website. However ... I'll be going to Dubai for a week


which also means no updates OTL

just don't hate/hit me cuz I love you ^O^ 


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Memisho #1
Waaaaaaaa you are so lucky, take a lot of pictures, have a lot of fun, and do anything you like, as for the updates could be sad because we dont know anything for a period of time, but dont worry if we wait long for the past updates, we can wait a little longer, so have a lot of fun and enjoy your vacations, are vacations right??? Or a bussines trip ddddd
I wish I can go abroad and actually have a vacation! I hope you have fun there!!! ^_^
Aww...jealous! ^^ Love the gif by the way. Hope your trip is enjoyable and stress-free!
DeadBlossom #4
Wow Dubai? You're lucky !!! Hopefully you`ll have fun:-D