My inner Fangirl Screams^^


It's Eunhyuk's birthday (technically it was yesterday since he lives in Korea...) but yeah, just to share a bit of what I love about him ^that song right there is the song that made me love SUJU, it's my all time favorite KPOP song, I can literally listen to it for hours^^


One Love~


lol but really, as most of the people who watch me know, Eunhyuk's all time bias, He wasn't at the start- I actually thought he was fairly ugly when I first saw him but he won me over in Full house, I have a huge soft spot for funny guys and as the years went on my "love" for him kinda grew- I soon learned he valued the same things as me (family, friends, staying away from drugs and drinking, he's also Christian^^) I swear he's just... he's the kind of guy I'd dream to have because of those values and personality quirks^^ (he also has a great body, his Bonamana pictures gave me a heart attack^^) When he's on any show he gives his all which is another thing that I admire- just the fact that he becomes so over run with emotions when he wins or loses on Dream team shows to me that he really does care and I love seeing determination in someone's eyes^^


In the future I hope he's still doing what he loves- even if it's not in the public's eyes I genuinely hope that what ever he does in life makes him happy^^ I hope he finds someone who'll make him happy (lol, even if I do wish it were me^^ JK I'm not like that^^) and that he looks back ten years from now and will still be happy with all that he's done^^


Like Amber said- Eunhyukkie raps handsomely^^


lol, sorry for the fangasim, I just felt like sharing^^


other news is that I've recently been looking into EXOexo (I like saying it twice, it sounds cute^^) and I think Kris might be my favorite out of the group- his birthday is literally a day after mine which reminds me of when I was a kid and the boy I had a crust on also was a day younger^^ he was everyone's crush back then but I had the upper hand since we were actually friends ;) (I was such a player at seven, I actually enjoyed hanging out with my guy friends because most of them were good looking, second grade was a good year^^) but back to Kris, he's got a nice flow about him and he's not abnormally younger then me (Did you know 1990 is the highest age in EXOexo? I seriously feel old now -.-) seriously, these guys seem pretty good and their song MAMA that I think they're promoting with sounds pretty epic (It reminds me of young SUJU, back in their Don't Don days^^ I miss those days...) and the elemental aspect of it has brought my comic book nerd out^^

so yeah, looking forward to them^^

another thing, I said previously that I didn't like Sherlock, but lately for some reason I've really liked it... not quite sure why, it's not like they changed anything but I guess it's grown on me^^ I'm so curious~


but... yeah... I think I ranted enough, Ferly and Abomination are getting worked on as we speak, just felt like taking a break to express my inner fangirl^^


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