this is probably going to be one of those few blog posts on this fanfiction site solely about my fanfic... probably, you guys know how random I can be...

Anyways, Ferly currently is being worked on, Chapter eleven was finished but then I read it over and puked from the terrible... it was literally the worst thing I've ever written -.- so I hit the delete button....

then I was going to up load this little filler/spoof I did with the Ferly cast but then read it over and noticed there was a whole lotta references to things that HAVEN'T HAPPENED YET 0.0 oh no~ lol, so I couldn't post that (I'm hoping in the future when I do post it though that you guys will love it, I really enjoyed writing it^^)

so yeah... no update YET but I promise since I have to stay up tomorrow for work that I'll drink a whole pot of coffee and get cracking!! lol, so hopefully an update on Tuesday (I have to work from 4pm to midnight tomorrow but then after that I have to stay up until noonish...)


...ok I have to say it, I know I said nothing non-Ferly related but I've gotta share^^ my mum's birthday is this Friday and I bought her a freaking two hundred dollar Tablet for her birthday! squee, I can't wait until she sees it, it's supposed to arrive this Tuesday so I'll need to intercept it before she can get to it^^ so so excited^^


Anyways, hope to update by Tuesday^^


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woaa, you must be very excited...
i hope your plan for your mom will do wonders.
i hope she like her present,
and i wish her happy b'day
Mary517 #2
Awwww how sweet ^__^
I wanted to get my mom an iPad but she can barely understand how to use her iPhone xD

Anyhoo looking forward to ferly =]
partiallystars #3
brb... going to give up on life :(

Its my sister's birthday today... she turned 10!! <3