
So one of my best friends turned18 about a week age, and last night we finally had her party♥

Anyway, not everyone showed up, but it was lots of fun. I met a few new people and I got to see some and hang out with some that I hadn't seen in a long time. 

First off, G2Ttards+Jessii♥:


Me and Mickey:

Toni and Jessii:

Toni and Jessii:

Toni  [flashing her Block.B gang sign lolol] and Jessii

Toni and Jessii:


Okay, so it was lots of fun. Though most of the night Toni told me not to dance. lol I know I can't dance, but we're in the dark and among friends, my dancing there could not affect our group image, even if it could it's only affecting my image and I'm already the group fool so its all good. 

I actually dance with my friend Jazz most of the night. Apparently, while I'm "black", Jazz is "white" lolshe says she's trying to become the female Micheal Jackson. Jazz and I came up with our own dance too!!! We're goingto record it, post it on youtube, and it is SOOOOO goingto trend. We're confident that it will.  lol 

For a large portion of the night Jazz was trying to set me up with her Boyfriend's best friend. I'd be okay with that except for the fact that he's 15 and I'm going to be 18 in a few  months. 1)I like older guys, I guess mostly because I'm a child and he needs to be able to handle that and 2) dating this kid would make me a e, its totally okay forme to joke around that the four yearold i babysit is my boyfriend but when its more serious its like...uhh....nooo thanks. She kept telling me he's really nice and whatnot and thats fine and dandy but I'm really not even looking for a boyfriend at this point. Ye, sure, it'd be nice. But I just don't really want one right now. 

Hahaha, btw- Jessii and I showed Jazz pictures of Jay Park and Rain and she was like "OOOOOOO MYYYY GOOOOODDDD♥" It was great. lol

lol we played twister too. It was amusing to watch everyone contort their bodies around each other. 

anyway, I now I have lots of work to do. I had to get my math notebook in order earlier and I've been working on my presentation for my German project due tomorrow. Now I just need to write my five page rough draft research paper and I MIGHT be able to update something tonight [I have a listof updates ready so if you post a suggestion of a story down below it might get done]


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LMFAO chris's comment XD and i hate those pictures ._. except the one of us, because my face is covered ^^
HellsRainbow #2
Is...is DG Noona wearing...
And that's a lot of crap to do...>.>