Paranormal fun

I did a Paranormal Behind the Wall ghost hunt last night with my friend Emily and a group of strangers (Kim, Charlie, Jim and a few others whose names I didn't know). We were at Marconi Hotel (Evans Area/ Eaton Town) on Marconi Rd in Wall Township. It was really cool and lots of fun. The hotel has LOTS of history- between Marconi and the radio/radar and the military there was a lot to take in.

We investigated three areas: the second floor, the attic and the basement (in that order). And if you've ever watched Ghost Hunters, we did it the same way- lights off except for flashlights, E.L.F. Devices, recorders, and cameras set up in various places (mainly the hot spots).

On the second floor were lots of musty rooms with papers and old books, there's a few conference rooms, the Lt. colonel Paul E. Watson's office and so on. In the main hallway were pictures of all the different colonel's. 17 pictures of 17 different colonel's, all in black and white except for one. The only picture in color was the picture of Lt. Colonel Paul E. Watson, who died of a heart attack in his office. I didn't get anything good recorded (who am I kidding? I'm a dumb that couldn't figure out how the recorder worked and I did it wrong and I lost all the recordings...) anyway, nothing spiritual happened to our group while we were up there, but it was fun. Charlie sat in the Colonel's chair at his desk and found bags of chips so he was asking the Colonel if heliked chips, we're these his chips (they were salt n vinegar), if they had salt n vinegar chips in the 40s or did they have to salt and vinegar their chips themselves. It was entertaining. The Paranormal Behind the Wall team should us clips of recordings they have from passed visits at the Hotel, on the second floor they have heard a dog barking (naturally we asked questions about the dog) and someone saying "Help me" (we asked who needed help and why) and a group walking into a room, one guy said "already been here" and as they were walking out of the room, a ghost said "Not here" (we didn't ask questions about that one...

When we finished there, we moved onto the attic. The attic was just as cool. Apparently there is a ghost of a little girl in the attic. Charlie kept asking her why she was in the attic. I asked her how she died and what her name was. Kim asked if she wanted to play with us. Emily wanted her to know that we wouldnt hurt her. One of the cameras that was set up caught an imagine of a white mist floating passed us as me, Emily and Kim made our way back to Nim and Frank. We tried to disprove it but we didn't know what else it could've been. We moved to another area of the attic and the first thing I noticed was a Doll House. An old one, hand made, with lots of detail, but with age it was slowly fading. As we were wondering around that area of the attic, I felt my face get really cold and then it went back to normal temperature, it had felt like someone with cold hands touched my face and then disappeared. We ended up sitting around the doll house and asking questions: "How old are you?" "do you want to play?" "are you lonely?" "where are your parents?" "did your daddy make this doll house for you?" "was your daddy part of the military?" "is there anybody else up here with you?" After which we went downstairs and discovered that Frank disappeared...

Finally we moved to the basement, which I found the most fun. The have recordings of a ghost cursing at them in the basement, mainly at Jim's wife. The first time the ghost cursed her out using the f-bomb as every other word and called her a . The second time, Jim's wife had her hands full and asked if someone would hold her camera and the ghost said "I'll shove your camera in your ing eye." unfortunately, I listened to the recording of our basement venture before I stupidly deleted it, but I didnt get anything. However, the basement was fun. When we first walked into the bomb-shelter I burped which caused everyone to laugh and Kim said that would be my ghost noise (we had been talking about being ghosts that comunnicated through our stomachs because all our stomachs melts growling). Then as we were sitting down on the benches, one of the guys whose names I didn't know sat down and the bench tipped and slammed back down, which had us all cracking jokes. Jim's wife told us (through Walky Talky) that there were dancing orbs over all of our heads. We walked into the main part of the basement and started asking questions. According to Jim, there was more than one ghost in the basement, one that all volunteers are positive is Larry. Larry worked for the military but he had diabetes and lost one of his legs, people are positive they've seen him, others have seen a single foot print with nothing else around it. So we asked Larry questions. There was a pole in the ground where the sump-pump was and Charlie said it looked like a "Fireman's pole to hell" which had me singing "Highway to Hell". Then Charlie and I found an opened door that led to the outside and started talking about how Frank was a murderer who was going to kill us and this was how. Then as we were walking back towards the bomb shelter in the basement I found a Spiderman toy which we all laughed at. Jim took it out of the box and as he put in back in we heard a noise that sounded like "Fight!" and we found out that spiderman talked which made it even better. So then, Jim decided to press spiderman's buttons to make him talk while his Walky Talky was on. His wife immediately said "Guys, I just got something on my Walky Talky!" which had us all dying of laughter. I didn't catch what the other Paranormal crew members said when Jim's Walky Talky went off but Jim replied with "I don't know what you're talking about." and then he did it again. Lol me and Kim told him to blame us.

Ahhhh~ it was so fun~ <3


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Woahh I'm jealous tht sounds like lots of fun ... sounds exactly like what ghost hunters would do and I'm OBSESSED with tht show
woww sounds like amazing fun! thts pretty cool!
wtf??? i'm so confused ._.