
out of breath, I don't think I can keep it going. I'm tired of being here, tired of living here... I sound like I'm thirteen again rebelling against my mom, but she doesn't listen,it's like she's deaf. she compared me to a wounded puppy while we were fighting tonight...
I'm sorry that I feel like you've wounded me, I'm sorry that I'm afraid to speak up to you... that's what I want to say to her but I know it'll just make her more angry, it make her keep yelling at me. I don't know how anyone else puts up with her...
you know me, I'm not someone who'd speak up, who'd ever talk back... tonight I did... she told me to shut up, she told me to shut up and I hate her for that... I hate my self for hating her...
I want to leave but I'm stuck in this hole called (insert town name hear), I'm stuck in this whole called hell and don't know if I'll be getting out in one piece...
I just need someone who'll make me laugh and I think I'll make it through, but right now the only thing I'm hearing is her yelling, her belief that she's ALWAYS right...
I'm sorry I unloaded on you... but there's no one else, there's no one I can talk to right now...

why can't I ever be heard?


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Usually when someone says to the other to shut up during a fight is to either cover up their slip up or deny the truth. Its not good to hold stuff in. If you wanna be heard you have to put power into the words and say them and know you wont regret them. I can hear you. But the question is if youve got the guts to make the crowd hear you. Be strong(: I know you can do it. If a mute shy girl like me make pple listen to what Ive got to say I think you can too.