Why All the Hate for Cliches?

Seriously, it's starting to piss me off.

I know some writers who are pretty okay at what they do. Not exactly amazing, but they've improved. But after the improved, they suddenly think they're all high-and-mighty and whatever. I don't care, because I don't talk to them anymore, but what bothers me is when they have the audacity to hate cliches because they are cliches.

Here are some of their posts:

"Except in my book, cliches without a twist ARE poorly written; therefore becoming not worthy of my main attentions."

"Sometimes I hate cliches, sometimes I love them. I hate cliches if they're poorly written or I've been reading a lot of them .Cliches with twists, however, are all good in my book." 

"I really haven't read any fanfics because I hate cliches."

... I just don't know why they think they're suddenly better than cliches.

I love cliches. I hate poorly written cliches with terrible grammar/characterization/plot development, but come on - who can resist a cliche? The bad/good pairings, the best friend pairings, the jock/nerd pairings. They're romance fiction staples, and I'd be reading a lot less fics if I decided to ban them from my reading.

A lot less books, too, if you think about it.

Cliches have a bad name, unfortunately, because so many people write them, there's bound to be the so-poorly-written-my-eyes-burn fics. But those fics are everywhere! There can be an original story out there with this unique plot... that totally balls. But hey, you wants original, didn't you?

Along with that, these friends - I should stop calling them friends, because they're not really - pretty much classify everything bad in literature cliche. But if it's a well-written cliche, suddenly it's not a cliche?

Where is the logic in this?!

A cliche, in literature terms, is an idea often seen or read. It is not the term for a story that is poorly written. It is not a term to insult someone's writing. 

.... /sigh.

And yes, I understand original ideas are pure gold. I love original ideas, too, but I definitely do not pick one side. Quality also matters, one must be reminded. 

Sorry, I just needed to vent. I've been trying to get this point across, but I guess they're too good for this now. (Which is freakin' ridiculous because they used to love me and now they're all rude and snobby and obnoxiously immature beyond reason and I'm leaving their fandom because of them. Seriously, and their writing isn't even that good T.T And now I sound y but seriously... I just do not like them.)

But do tell me - do you like/dislike cliches? And why? Because I only understand hating cliches if you don't like cliched ideas, but hating cliches for the sake of it simply being cliched - well, that's just ridiculous. 


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I meant 'stories' excuse the typo ^^;
I like cliches actually. I don't care if they're unrealstic or not, well for certain topics yeah but really do fanfiction or ANY storys have to be logical? Not to me because they're fiction ^^ Everything is cliched, we ALL write cliched things here people how many times do I have to say that? XD

I try to make my stories original but if people are whining about my story if it's 'to illogical' then get out and read something that IS logical ^^
I'm okay with cliches if they're handled well. If they're badly written and unrealistic (I read this weird fanfic about how this girl's friend died because pirates attacked the school. O_o) or if they're not used well like if a person makes the character's parents die in the plane crash just because and gloss over the whole idea so they can live by themself, then it's really weird.
I like cliche. And I do write cliched stuff because it takes a lot of brain power to be original
I love cliches. I hate badly written cliches.
The end.
IDK, for it doesn't really matter xDDD
I just want you to know that I love your rants xDDD
predictator #8
LOL. Ainy's off being mature again :3 I wrote a post about the exact same topic a while ago! LOL! /shot