Kinda creeped out...

What does it mean when your drugee neighbor suddenly takes every chance he can to talk to you?

Maybe it's mean being paranoid because of that talk we had in health today, but I'm just freaked out.

The kid is only a few months older than me, he dropped out of school last year but he's back in this year, he smokes, more than just his cigarettes, and he's lived behind me for over four years but he has been, like, trying to make conversation with me and saying "hi" all the time.

I can't help but think of the song "Papercut" by Linkin Park....the line "Paranoia's all I got left" keeps running through my head. Like, if he's at the bus stop he's trying to make small talk and if he walks out into his back yard while I'm playing with my puppy he's saying "Hey Lauren".

Of course I'm the awkward kid that's like "uhm....hi...."

He did it today though. I was throwing a stick for Kai to fetch and I had my headphones in and he yelled at me to say "hi". I was like "uhm...da fuq?"

I feel bad coz I blow him off with a "hey" or "hi". But after the talk today I'm on, like, high alert. Lol it didn't bother me before that he was trying to talk to me, I was just really confused as to why he would start now. But I'm a suspicious, skeptical least, when he is concerned. My first thought today was "what's his motive?" after my reflexive "hai der".


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listen, ive had the same problem when i lived in colorado but im pretty sure he just wants to say hi but i would be on high alert as well so yeah if you have any problems just message me im always on^^
=_= chill lmao don't worry. if this kid tries anything, i'll be over to kill him. that is all