Black Roses Aplication Form


Personal information:


Aff name:kpopgrape151

Profile link:


Character information:


Name:Choi Jihyun

Age[15-20 International|| korean]:20 || 21


Hometown:Anyang,South Korea




Likes: Doing things her way,Honey,Stretching,Her X5 pillow,The X5 members,White cats & dogs,Meat,Partying


Dislikes:People who boss her around,People who dirty her X5 pillow,The smell of nail polish and uncooked meat,Smoke,When her friends don’t trust her,Sitting still,People who shout every time they talk


Fears:Her X5 pillow being stolen,Deaths,Not being able to debut

Hobbies:Going out during curfew,Collecting X5 merchandise,Washing the plates,Practicing her dance moves  


Talent: She can speak 5 languages fluently- Korean,English,Japanese,Russian,Mandarin ,She can memorise the tune of the song after hearing it once , She can do a complete split ,She can type 5 words a second



     Jihyun was not the type of girl that would usually be scouted by an entertainment company because she had an issue with  taking care of herself.She did reckless things that  effected her health or state of mind.For example, she  played the computer when she should be sleeping after a day of training and stuff.Eventhough,people would remind her everyday, she would still do these reckless stuffs.But the company still kept her because they knew that they can change her into a more responsible person.And they did.

    Jihyun is more responsible now but she doesn’t follow instructions easily. She knows her boundaries as an idol/trainee.But that doesn’t stop her from living a normal teenage life.Yes she trains almost every hour of the day  but during those hours she can still make friends,study even party.She likes partying so sometimes her friends would come to her practice room and turn off the lights and crank up some music.Sometimes they even bring some beer and drink them together which will always cause some trouble.Since Krystal is still new to drinking, she gets drunk easily so bad things happen.For example,one time, they were drinking and dancing around but then Krystal and Amber got really drunk and they got out of the room and they bumped into the CEO.The four (Amber,Jihyun,Krystal,Minho) of them was banned form seing each other for a month and Jihyun and Minho was labeled as the bad  influence ones.The CEO also got them away from all the other idols/trainees for a week.


   Jihyun is a patient and loved person.She won’t get mad even if someone throws an egg at her but, she will get mad if someone frame her for something that she didn’t do.But since it’s the entertainment business and there are a lot of bad people,she learned to tone it down a bit.She is a loved hoobae by most of her seniors except by SHInee’s Jonghyun.Don’t know why,they just don’t get along.The senior that loves her the most (besides her friends) is SuJu’s Evil Maknae,Cho Kyuhyun.

   Jihyun isn’t so loud but she isn’t so quiet either, she speaks when she wants and she keeps  close when she’s suppose too.She’s also hardworking, she won’t stop doing that thing until she’s finished.She has obsessions that will make her go crazy and they are,honey,rings and X5.She’s been a fan of X5 since their debut.She would always support them by buying their album and such online.

  She's really flexible and she tends to overdo it.Sometimes, she does it until her back hurts and that causes concern from people


Stage info:


Stage name:Raven

Position:Face of the group,dancer,vocalist


Nickname:Jyun/Jyun unnie (What the members/her family/friends call her) X5d / Xfived (What her fans call her)

Persona:The  flexible 92liner

Solo fanclub:Titans

Fanclub colour: Dark purple


Short message to fans: Annyeonghaseyo,this is Black Rose’s face, Raven.This message is for my fans that are always loyal and supporting.You guys are very important to me and I love you guys so much so please take care of your health and safety.There are so much more that I want to say but I’ll save that for later. Annyeong *waves with a smile*

Trainee years:7 years


Love life:


Your partner:Exo K’s Baekhyun or Exo M’s Luhan  or Exo M’s Kris (Just incase my Baekhyun is already taken.)


His position: Lead vocalist (Baekhyun) Lead vocalist,lead dancer (Luhan) Leader,Lead rapper,Vocalist (Kris)



U-Kiss’s Kiseop –They dated but broke up when he became an idol

 Infinite’s Sungyeol –They went to the same elementary school so they’re very close

Block B’s Jaehyo – They’re frenemies,they fight a lot but the’re really close too.They know each other because they’re sorta related.Jaehyo’s older sister is married to Jihyun’s brother.

 SHINee’s Minho – They’re close but awkward with each other.He was the first friend that Jihyun made when she entered the company

f(x)’s Krystal – Jihyun is Krystal’s sunbae when they were in elementary school and Krystal was the person that introduced Jihyun to SooMan

f(x)’s Amber – They go to the same language class.She’s the closest to Jihyun out of all her friends

Family members:

Father|Choi Dongmin|54|Businessman|He’s very laid back but he is strict when it comes to dating,he won’t just let his children date anyone.He’s close to Jihyun

Mother|Jung Miyoung|49|Businesslady|She acts like a five year old.If you just know her personality,you wouldn’t believe that she’s a businesslady.She’s closer to Jihyun more than her father

Older brother|Choi Dongjun|27|Engineer|He likes to nag.He’s not so close to Jihyun because  of the age difference

Sister –in-law|Ahn Jia |26|Stay home wife|She’s very ladylike.She’s the closest to Jihyun after Changjo

Twin Brother|Choi Jinhyung|20|College Student|He’s very wild and hard to control.He’s born four minutes earlier than Jihyun.He’s third closest to Jihyun

Younger Brother|Choi ‘Changjo’ Jonghyun|17|Idol/Student|He’s matured but sometimes he can be cute too.The closest to Jihyun.





Name of uzzlang:Kwon Su Jeong

Link of uzzlang:1 2 3 4 5


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