So, this made me happy...

My friend, Kate, posted a picture of me on Instagram today. It's one that she took in the fall, the day we were going to the Zombie walk. I don't look all that great in the picture but here's what my Kate said:

"I don't normally do shout outs to people cause I'm never asked to but this girl right here, with a cute smile, is my BEST FRIEND! And she is a kick rapper and is in totally Beast Mode!! XD She deserves more followers and likes and comments!"

I love Kate<333 she just really makes my day sometimes. I have loads of friends and lots of best friends and Kate definitely makes the top five<333

You should follow Kate on Instagram: Snow_White_Whisperer

P.s. my instagram is KrazyKaiPieLuLucie

So follow us! I'm sure Kate will love to talk to you! :)

Anyway, this just made my day happier coz I was kinda down earlier. My mom said some stuff that wasn't meant to make me sad but it did. My older brother and sister have a different father than me and my younger sister and my mom was accused of sleeping with my older siblings uncle. My mom had said (now) that she would've been happier if their father were their actual fathers' brother. I've never met him but I know he's an extremely nice man and the thought made me sad because if mom married him she would've had no reason to get divorced which means that I wouldn't be here. Maybe I would be but I wouldn't be me. Though saying my siblings last name is much easier than my own (and more fun) I wouldn't be me. Maybe being "me" and being a different "me" would be better.

Ye. We were also talking about my brother....

On a lighter note we were talking about my sisters wedding in two years. I may have to give a speech (if I'm the maid of honor) and I have to make it serious and funny at the same time. We all know I'm not good at serious, but the funny I'm good with. So I'll probably talk about being my sisters living doll, we'll cry and then I'll move onto the first thing I ever remember my sisters fiancé saying to me and then I'll make fun of them both as my sister and I cry-laugh (that unattractive thing that we do)<333


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lmao her wedding's so far away ._. and i know what you mean :/