Not fuqin cool yo

One of my character teasers for World's Gone to got deleted. Not cool. At all. they're difficult to write because they're specifically written separate for each character. This has me unhappy. In a big way. It was Heeyoung's teaser two. It was all epic and . She got attack by her zombie aunt and uncle, she escaped the city, she went back into the city and met Brian. It was AWESOME. And, to top it off, I lost three subscribers ;(

It's not Jason's fault and I would never blame him coz he created this site for us all, but it upset me. I would normally bug out on the person, but I know Jason must have enough of that to deal with. So I will just rewrite that WGtS teaser and get on with life.


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._. it wasn't his fault, we can't be mad. don't worry, i lose subs all the time
AbriMathos #2
Hey I lost my whole story and all 10 of my subbies :/ I'm so sad because I was so excited about that freakin story -_____-