Shiny Shinee faces

while I don't think anyone is going to read this, I'm bored once more and feel like talking about nothing^^

I've been drawing faces since I was pretty young, I mean at first my peeps looked like light bulbs with anime eyes but as I grew in my artistic-ness I got pretty good at drawing them... like to the point where I was one of the best in my Advanced art classes when it came to faces (that was really all I could do, I'm pretty bad at doing compositions)... so when it comes to meeting new people or getting into a new group, the face is usually the first thing I annualize. I'd never fall for a guy just because he's pretty, I'm more into humorous guys, but I really do love ogling faces.

Shinee's got a great assortment of faces

starting with the leader- at first glance (I'll get attacked for this...) he's not that good looking... in a celebrity aspect he's not that pretty, if anything he kinda reminds me of that one skinny guy from love letter (he's in a lot more, but that's the one I remember most of him from... can't remember his name, I sorta feel bad) don't get me wrong, he's actually my favorite from Shinee, but when it comes down to it he wouldn't be very good looking if he wasn't him... I think his personality is was makes him look gorgeous, he as this warmness about him that makes him admirable and lovable... I mean like a said before, I don't really care about pretty faces, Onew's face wasn't what attracted me (ok, so when he smiles I smile too...) he's like strangely awesome, he's like the guy you can hang out with and joke around with and junk... I find that highly attractive

Jonghyun... his face is a personal favorite of mine. personality and talent aside (something I think he has a lot of!) he's got a unique face that artists love (or at least I love it) it has a very strong a powerful structure, but some how still looks soft... ahh~ and that Jawline is y as hell (the thing I look at first on a guy is his jawline... huge love for strong jawlines). now if we bring his personality into the picture... he seems pretty quiet when he's not singing, like the quiet sit in the corner type... to me that's a turn off cause if we ever were to hang out we'd never talk about anything and that's really nerve racking for me... now talent wise, I hadn't payed attention to Shinee until I heard him sing Yi Si Fuera Ella, after that I was sold and now Shinee's one of my favorite groups cause of that BlingBling Tiger (and HiBaby, I'm a er for a guy who treat kids well)

Key... face wise, he's beautiful... but I have a difficult time fangirling him... not because I don't like him or anything, but because he just seems TO perfect, like I haven't seen him do something and not be the best in it... otherwise he seems pretty cool... now his face, I love the symmetry, the way it looks in some lighting gets my hands twitching to draw it, and his lips are perfect...

Minho... when I first saw him he always looked as though he were out of place in his music videos... he has a really nice face, not to sharp, not to soft (I think he looks better now with his hair short) and his eyes are something I'm always looking to (his eyes aren't symmetrical, but that's not a flaw in my opinion, it make's him feel more endearing) but I think I like his personality the most, he seems like the coolest guy in the world when he's on DT, so mature and competitive, he's someone who I admire.

now is Taemin. I think everyone can agree that this boy is beautiful. Beautiful doesn't really even describe him, he's like a whole nother level when it comes to beauty. I have a sinking feeling in my gut that he hates being called beautiful though, like I think he wants to be taken more seriously as a MAN, not just a beautiful boy. I think he gets frustrated when people only see him as beautiful, I mean you can tell he works really hard in other aspects as well, his dancing being one of the most fluid I've seen from someone so young... he's also still growing as well, just think in a couple years when he's fully gown... After Lucifer, I think he's trying his hardest to take on more of a manly role, which seems pretty hard, I mean Andy of Shinhwa has been trying to loose his cute image for years and people still don't really see him as anything other then Shinhwa's baby... I sorta see eye to eye with this cause I'm the youngest of the family, I've been trying to shed my baby image since I was twelve but I guess someone's got to take the job -.- (not that I complain, it's got its perks) Taemin's not only the youngest in his actual family, but also one of the youngest in Kpop (though that's changing) and his group, there's a lot going against him when it comes to shedding his baby image... but he seems like someone who's very determined and not afraid to work hard.

though back to there faces. like a said, Shinee's got some great faces, but when it comes down to it, they also have talent. Jonghyun's got one of the strongest voices in Kpop, Onew's voice is strong(and makes me giddy^^), Key's amazing, Minho's fierce but also warm, and Taemin's got major dancing skills and the determination of an ox... I'm not someone who goes wild for a group, more like I go for individuals, but Shinee's one of the first groups that I've liked as a whole, where I haven't thought "well, they really don't need this guy"  while they might lack in some areas, all of them have something the bring to the group that makes their music unique and beautiful. yeah, there's my blog on Shinee, I think I might tackle Super Junior one of these days (though maybe not, alot of guys and people might not like me for being overly honest...) though I definitely wanna do more of these, they're great for when you have writer's block^-^

Good night and love life^^


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