anyone? kekeke

yes. seriously. i'm talking about - those things that is half the reason of who you are. those wiggly, active tadpole-like specimen your father carefully protects inside their "balls" ¬_¬

so.... today, in our Patho class we did two experiments and most probably a first for non-med tech pre-med students.

1st was to do a pregnancy test. we actually had two choices - to take a sample from a Negative urine specimen or a Positive. Our group went for the positive to see how it would really look like, though we already know how it would theoretically. after all, preg tests aren't new at this age.

2nd which is the more akward... WT---F part. a analysis. it's not bad right, if they gave us the specimen like for the preg test BUT we have to take from either one from the group so "whuuuuttttt?!!!!" ---> that's the guys' reaction. though we, girls, were surprised as well, it's not our problem. we don't make right? lol...

what's bad about ? imagine, you're a guy, and someone just told you "we need your for an experiment. now." can you produce it? without.... shall we say... ambience. i mean, BFF said that if they'd have a special room and not just the comfort room cubicles they might not feel so akward at all.

yeah... it's like being told to e without any physical stimulation... just by using your imagination. and in the CR/Lavatory where someone who is not your classmate happens to enter... can you do it? well, i think the guys were forced to coz plus 10 points would be given to the donors for the next practical exam (which is very lucky coz practical exams are hard)

so... none of my groupmates donated any of their . we got ours from FC. hahaha. yeah, he was the first and the hero for some groups especially ours, coz we just asked a few drops for the slide.

and the outcome: mostly normal, cute wiggly active and some abnormal ones (they're 'tied' to each other, or too long tail, etc) so... whoever he 'plants' his seeds. good news if they are planning to get kids coz he's not impotent. bad news, if they are not planning anything and are not careful lol.

oh yeah, so someone coould get the plus points the guys 'draw by lots' and Gay friend was lucky to get the star. so he gets the plus points without working. XD


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Normibells #1
oh em gee...nagmahay ko ngano wala ko ga med dah...joke~! hahahahahhaha
omo~ <3 I love how you started this off~ ^-^ I kinda feel sorry for the guys who had to do that though~ ^^;; <3
HAHAHAHAAHA!! Kayasa... mura mani sa time nga gi sponge bath ko... ataya XD
I wasnt feeling well,in fact Im experiencing some serious nausea and dizziness plus headaches along with a tiny flu bug but after I read this I cant stop laughing XD

you should write a fic based on this. *wink*
hahaha, I guess the guy who jerks off doesn't need stimulation. XD