The Quirks of a Juicy Contradiction such as myself :3

First off I'd like to start by saying YES IM A JUICY FUQIN CONTRADICTION. Lol I'm assuming you've all seen the Scottish Korean skittle commercial and then the zombie is like 'no, I'm the WALKING. DEAD. That is a contradiction.' well, I'm the juicy contradiction~ :3

Come on, a pasty white girl, rapping like a black man and trying to get into Korean entertainment? You can't deny my juiciest of contradictions ;p

Anyway, I kinda figured I'd just blog about myself (omg I feel kinda -ish)...anyway. Stuff you guys don't know about me (actually you probably could figure it out...maybe):

•I love anything apple scented/flavored. I've had Appletini body spray from Victoria Secret since 8th grade, I have apple scented hand sanitizer and if there are apples in the house I WILL eat them.

•at my funeral I want the first songs that play to be: 'Live Like You were Dying' by Tim McGraw, 'Here Comes Goodbye' by Rascal Flatts and 'Play On' by Carrie Underwood. And then I want good ole rock and roll, maybe some Screamo and kpop to play. (and whatever songs that I ever get to record in my life)

•Also at my funeral, I want someone to dress up like the grim reaper and just stand silently in the corner.

•i love rock(classic), Screamo, country and kpop. Rascal Flatts and Carrie Underwood are my favorite country artists. But I do like more old school Country Rock. I love music but I think I can sometimes sing country better than anything else. Lol

•I have a few stuffed animals on my bed: my ugly doll, my skelanimal and my first beanie baby. I also have a baby blanket that I keep under my pillow. I used to wear it around my neck as a cape and people would step on it so it has rips...okay, to be honest, it's in shreds. But I love the damn thing and I panic when I can't find it.

•I love the color turquoise. It was my poppop's favorite and when he died I treasured the color And the stone.

•I'm not big into western movies but my poppop was. He used to wear cowboy boots and straw hats everyday. I sometimes think my eyes are too huge for my face but I think my eyes are my best feature because I get my blue eyes from my poppop. I really love and miss my poppop.

•I am a marshmallow. I cry easily. Physical harm ain't no big thang. I might say 'ow' but it's a gut reaction and it probably didn't hurt I'm just mentaltarded. Emotional pain is what makes me cry.

•my favorite movie for the LONGEST time was TITANIC because I was in love with Leonardo Dicaprio. Lol

•I met my first best friend in first grade. We've been friends ever since. I remember her polish nanny and all the fairs during the summers and trying to understand her mother through her accent...Lolol

•I started reading ALOT in the summer of 3rd to 4th grade. My grandma from florida started sending me Archie comic books and the Spiderwick Chronicles. Lol

•I am a Disney Classic Fanatic<3

•I can quote any movie or TV show that I love.

•I was a nerd. I used to play Runescape and Gaiaonline.

•in 7th grade my friend Nd I tortured a boy. We dared him to eat a spoonful of wasabi. He did. Then he cried. And we laughed. Lol

•in 8th grade, it was the first time I sang in front of people. I sang with a friend and we sang 'Let the Flanes Begin' by Paramore

•freshman year I was asked out by one of my best friends on Valebtines day. I hadn't taken him seriously and then I felt super bad when I told him I didn't like him like that.

•I ran cross country my freshman year. I hated the head coach because he was stupid. So I quit. The idiot wanted us to run in July, on the boardwalk at 12pm. Fuqin stupid fuqer.

•I also gained weight and grew a lot freshman year. I went from being 5'0 to 5'5 and I went from being under weight at 85lbs to being a little less than average at 98lbs. I didn't break 100lbs until sophomore year. I was so proud.

• I burp like a trucker. You can thank my older sister. She taught me. My dad hates it. Lol

•in 5th grade I played guitar. The only thing I ever learned was 'Smoke on the Water'

•I did Karate for about two and a half years before I had to quit. I was an orange belt when I left.

•I did Ballet when I was 4 years old.

•when I was a baby I ate one of my dads cigarette butts and he quit smoking after that.

•my dad was part of a bowling league when I was a baby. His team of friends would put me in the center of their table surrounded by beer bottles, rub my head and then get a strike. When other peoples from other lanes figured out that I was good luck EVERYONE would rub my head and get a strike. Mom would half to wash my head because I would smell like beer, cigarettes and old men. I got the nickname Babyhead and only the 10 people who were part of the group of friends know about that.

•I trust everyone whole-hearted my until they show me that I can't trust them

•I love hugs. A lot.

•I've had my cat since I was three, she'll be 14 soon and I'll be 18 soon. As the genius 3 year old that I was, I named her Felisha Feline, but eventually started calking her Fefe for short. She's not the nicest cat ever but she loves me more than anyone. And she hates my brother more than anyone.

•I mention being a genius three year old? I might have been a genius my whole life, but I've always been a klutz and I had a habit of always hitting my head on something.

•I put the pro in procrastination. I'm THAT fuqin good. Lol and I still always get it done without staying up into ungodly hours. Lol okay, past 11 is ungodly for me on a school night. I'm always dead tired.

•I started reading manga in 8th grade :) the first thing I ever read was Vampire Knight. My favorite Mangakas are Matsuri Hino and Arina Tanemura<3

•because of Zico, I have a love of Hello Kitty that never would've happen if it weren't for him.

•my mom is my friend :3 definitely<3 lol we were out today and we laughed at EVERYTHING. I said "Oh hey mom, look there's a clothing and shoe drop" while I was pointing at it. We laughed our asses off because she thought I said "Clothing and shoe drop".

•I worship Bruce Springsteen

•I am extremely self conscious, I have zero confidence and I make fun of myself constantly.

•I was once apart of the Twilight fan base. But the movies and after reading the books multiple times you realize how stupid it all is.

•I absolutely adore Vin Diesel and refuse to believe he's gay. Lol the Fast and Furious movies are amazing<3 I love them ALL~

•I have three forms of personal crack: Instant Hot Apple Cider, Dr. Pepper and Chocorooms(pocky in mushroom shape...but I hate mushrooms lol)

•I found out Santa wasn't real in 4th grade. I switched from a private Christian school to a public school. Public school ruined me...can you imagine me NOT cursing all the time and being a perfect angel? Lol

•I acquired taste. I have a strange sense of humor...hell I'm just all around strange and you have to get used to me.


Not done yet. I'll add more tomorrow.


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AbriMathos #1
I love turquoise as well (spelling it is a though >.<) It's also my favorite stone/birthstone (as well as the blue topaz). Whoo! Huggers FTW! I did ballet for about 10 years. My cousin got me into Runescape for like a year. I wasn't 100 lbs till my junior year. I always wanted to give blood but I couldn't because I was underweight or too young. Then I ended up getting sick on the days that I was supposed to. I ate so much to gain those extra few pounds and then some so I wouldn't faint. I tried again in October of last year but my iron count was too low...I guess I just wasn't meant to give blood :(
you're a tard. mickey and i will be the grim reapers. one in each corner :P that's it! me, mickey, zico, and changjo. all your grim reapers, all in different corners. hell yeah
HellsRainbow #3
Das cute gyrl.
So in other smelled like a baby hooker in training?
haha can i be the grim reaper at your funeral? I would love to just stand silently all creepy like.. JK JK JK but seriously we have a lot in common!! oh and i took karate as well, except im a second degree black belt <- woosh an accomplishment... So im a tadmore dangerous then you *Rasies leg to kick anyone who says New Jersey is anything like the Jersey Shore -.-*