So for the first time ever...

...I actually had a semi terrifying dream about zombies after watching the walking dead. Hence why I am up at this ridiculous hour making this blog. It actually wasn't that bad. Because I'm apparently very clever when I sleep and may actually use this in Worlds Gone to , but I'll tell you what it was:

Okay so, there's two guys, one of them in holed up in the house while a zombie tries to break down the front door, the second guy is chilling behind a car waiting for the right angle to shoot her in the head. After she's dead they double tap to make sure (The double tap tip definitely came from Zombieland), and then their conversation goes like this:

"That was beautiful. You did amazing."

"Thanks, I really tried."

"No I mean it. I think the train really accentuated her legs."

"Aweee stop, your making me blush."

"You don't think it was the train?"

"Well...maybe that face lift I gave her..."

"That could definitely be it!"

"I think maybe the bullet dress line is what made it REALLY special."


So Whaddya think? This would definitely be a conversation between Evan and Taecyeon. Lolol I love how witty I can be in my sleep. It seems like their talking about making her look beautiful but they talking about how many times they tried to kill the . XD

That was definitely the best part of this entire dream. Lol I don't think the dream really shook me up, I mean it felt like I was watching it on TV anyway, I'm more shaken up that I actually had a zombie dream after watching zombies on TV. Because that never happens. Lol anyway, tell me what you think? Indefinitely want to use this~


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you're nuts. the end. XD
AbriMathos #2
XD Soo funny Lmao I can't wait!
HellsRainbow #3
This just made my day <3
That's some I would say after I kill her XD (for good)