Application to Rive ♚


AFF username: hearties

AFF Link: hearties 



Name: Jung DaYeon

Nickname (s): Daya, Daedae

Birthdate: 01/23/90 (January the 23rd, 1990)

Age: 22

Nationality: Korean

Language: Korean(fluent), English(basic), Japanese(basic)

Birth Place: Incheon, South Korea



Dayeon was born in Incheon, Korea as an only child. She went to a local school, earning good friends and grades. When she was 10 years old, she started attending some dancing/singing classes at a local talent academy. When she had been at the academy for about 5 years, earning skills in both female street dancing and some strong vocals, the academy held a talent showcase.

At the showcase, Dayeon both sang and danced in 3 performances. A scout saw her and recommended her to audition at Brandnew Stardom Entertainment . Dayeon did so, always knowing that it was her dream to be trained to become an artist.

She was accepted to be a trainee in 2005, July.

She moved to Seoul to be able to train and lived together with her father. Her parents divorced when Dayeon was 12, and her father had by then moved to Seoul with his new wife. Dayeon had no problem whatsoever with this since they took great care of her.


Dayeon is generally calm, relaxed, easy-going and strong mentally. She is also reflective, and posesses a ''reflective mode''. In that state, she keeps analyzing her surroundings and can get easily caught up in the moment when doing that. She may even be left with a blank stare, either staring out in the air or at another person, sometimes gaping with open.

But Dayeon doesn't mind listening to people and has earned a great listener ability. She doesn't either mind getting no attention by others and enjoys rather exploring other people instead. But when she wants her opinion forth, she does so. She's not shy in front of strangers and is quite good conversing with them.

Dayeon is a person that likes working steadily towards her goals, enjoys achievements and being focused and strong willed about things. She may seem more mature than the other members. But Dayeon still never loses her sides where she likes to let loose, joke around and just having a great time.


Name of ulzzang: Su Kyung







Back up ulzzang: Jung Roo



*Exercising through boxing

* Writing diaries

* Skiing



* Plain rice

* Road trips

* Being outside

* Bagels

* Indie music

* Snow

* Skating



* Long speeches

* American food

* Beer

* Messy people

* Jealous people



* Piano


Habits (Optional):

* Going up early

* Cracking her knuckles loudly


(If you don't sing then don't put a link for singing, if you don't rap then don't put a link for rapping)

Link for singing:

Link for dancing:

Link for rapping: -

Group position: Lead Dancer / Sub Vocals






Best Friend: Park Bom - 2NE1: A sweet and caring girl. Dayeon and Bom often talk, and the conversations can be about anything

Rival: Kahi - After School: Nothing personal, they are both nice persons. But they feel a great pressure to be better then the other and are often classified as opponents and compared by others

Role model:  BoA and Lee Hyori: Because of their long, strong years in the entertainment industry

Love Interest: Kim Ryeowook - Super Junior

His/Her Personality: Ryeowook is an active and lovable guy. His quiet personality may look like nothing, but he is very caring and gentle, especially towards Dayeon. When they meet, they often share glances and jokes around


Stage Info

Stage Name: Daya

Persona: The Heater

Training years: 6 years, 7 months

Personal Fan Club name: Dayster

Personal Fan Club Color: Military green

Message to fans: I am so thankful for my fans, whenever I feel like giving up, they get me back up again. Remember to always work hard cause then you will succeed.


Password: Cry Cry by T-ara


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