

who are you?

Username: hearties

Profile link:

What can i call you? Will (not my actual name, I'm a girl :PP but it is the most simple suggestion I have and nearest to my actual name)



may i know?

 Character name: Kwon LiNa

Nickname(s): Lina, Luri

Date of birth: December 15th 1994

Age: 17 (turning 18 this year)

Ethnicity: Korean

Born in?: Gwangju, Korea

Hometown: Gwangju, Korea

Blood type: AB


you seem cool!


Lina is not the loud and outgoing type of girl, but people still give her attention for her confident and friendly sides. She’s also very motherly, strong mentally and loyal. She can handle any fights and mental crap coming her way, so she stands up for herself and the members often. But despite her serious personality, she can be quite unpredictable by actually pranking or teasing her friends/members.

But there’s always downsides of a person, right? She is a messy girl, and can barely keep her things in order or clean. She does not either care about messes and practically ignores them. This may annoy other people a lot.

Even though she may be messy, Lina is still very serious about practice sessions and will scold people that is not. She is patient and wants to keep practicing until it's perfect.

Lina is caring, straight to the point and knows how to handle situations, so she probably is a good leader, but she definitely doesn't like leading other people. She doesn't like all the attention she is recieving in those moments and often backs out by then. She also gets very respectful for no reason around unnies/oppas, so there's no way she could lead them.






Homecooked food



House music

Traveling by car






Take away food

Beer (she's not legal, but has tasted it before)

Jealous people

Any type of fish

People that lie to her

Being misunderstood





Playing nintendo/phone games

Reading a lot of pocket books

Writing diaries

Day dreaming

Watching sports on TV (her favourite channels are sport channels)




Always carrying a bottle of water, anywhere she goes

Talking quietly (almost murmuring) when nervous

Cleaning when bored

Saying words that doesn't make sense when tired

Staying silent when stressed or angry




Very scared of big dogs

Loves the american bands Black Eyed Peas and Pussycat Dolls

Often begins dancing when hearing good music (good music = house and K pop music)

When she turns legal, she really want to get a driver's license

Because Lina and her family went skiing in the winters often when she was young, Lina got some talents in skiing




i wonder...

Your appearance


Ulzzang name: Lee Eun Ji

Back-up ulzzang name: Park Hye Min(Pony)


2 links to Park Hye Min:




Your style:














is there?

Family members:

Kwon SeoYeon I 50 l Shop owner I Mother I Extra Close : A very kind and caring mother, but often wants to make Lina’s life even more perfect. She worries a lot, and texts Lina often. But Lina is not embarrased because of her mother, and she loves her mother just as much as her mother loves Lina.

Kwon DongHyun l 58 l Bussines man I Father I Close : Her dad is a real prankster, and is considered a choding, defying his age. He is the pillar of the family and Lina has earned his mental strength.

Kwon AeCha l 14 l Student I Little Sister I Close : A little sister who is quite stuck up and always wants to intrude in Lina's life, but Lina still thinks highly of her little sister many times and wants to protect her dearly.

Background: Lina was born in Gwangju, Korea and grew up in a very supporting family. In school, Lina's grades weren't always good, but instead she had a lot of friends. Her friends were a musical/active gang of persons and they would often hang out, playing instruments, singing and dancing. They were one of the reasons Lina got into music so much.

Her friends liked auditioning for various entertainment companies, and it got quite into a hidden battle about which one of them would be accepted first. Lina tried out for an audition at TS with big dreams of being accepted, and she was. Half of her friends got jealous of Lina and broke the contact with her, while the other half congratulated her and cheered her on.



Whoa! you... and them!

Your bestfriends:

Minzy - 2NE1 : Minzy and Lina met during high school days and became great friends. They can almost talk about anything and cheer the other one up when she is feeling down.

Your friends:

Sooyoung - SNSD : Sooyoung and Lina are very close, they match each other well and often joke and talk with each other.

Luna - F(x) : Luna and Lina met each other thanks to Minzy, who beforehand already was friends with Luna. Luna and Lina are quite close, talking about all sorts of things when together

Jiyeon - T-ara : Jiyeon and Lina met accidentelly and started talking. They are not really close, but close enough to be comfortable around each other and discuss things.


Chosen partner:

1. Young Jae

2. Jong Up

How he act:

1. It doesn't matter if it's on camera or off camera Young Jae acts shy around Lina, not really knowing what to say. Lina sees this and doesn't really know how to reply to his shyness. But of course they do have moments they talk. The talk is mostly though awkward and about random, unimportant stuff. Lina does yet not quite know if Young Jae's shyness is because he's interested in Lina or just bored of her

2. Jong Up acts distant once around Lina when off stage, but smiles often to Lina when on stage. It's something about Jong Up that confuses Lina, but also interests her in him. She wants to talk to him really bad, but has never gotten the chance.

How you act around him?:

1. A bit awkward, only because of his shyness. But other than that, she shines up whenever she is around him and makes foolish smiles.

2. Sometimes, Lina can get angry because of Jong Up's will to keep a distance from Lina. She might even sometimes response to it with turning her back from him and looking the other way. It's kind of a secret, physic fight going on between them, deciding who is the strongest to resist each other (haha!)

Have you guys met before?:

1. Yes

2. Yes, but not talked

If yes where and how? and if no, tell me how do you want to meet up with him:

1. Young Jae and Lina first met during trainee days, but never got to talk. They kept giving each other glances though. Once B.A.P debuted, Lina barely met Young Jae. But now when Lina is also debuting, they will meet each other much more often

2. Jong Up and Lina has met, but not talked. They probably will start talking when the other members leave only the two of them behind or lock them into a empty room or something (xD)


pufft, almost de end!! hwaiting!

How many years of training: 4 years, 3 months.

How is you trainee life?Her life as a trainee was quite hard as all the other trainees, she had to live far away from her family at a young age plus cooperating school work with practice. She nearly quit one time, returning home for a few weeks, because she felt that she had not free time at all. TS warned her that they would let her go if she didn't come back. Lina then returned, only to keep chasing her dream to become an idol. She had to make up for a lot of practice missed, and has ever since then been dead serious about rehearsals/practices.

Audition? or scouted?: Lina auditioned for TS in 2007, November, while visiting Seoul. She went home from the audition, and 1 month later, she got a reply saying that she had been accepted to be a trainee at TS.


stage! i wanna know.

Stage name: Luri

Position in Fact:  Lead Vocalist

Fan club name and color: Name: Luregangers, Colour: Celeste


finally! THE END! wait! one more thing!

As you see, the official fan club for the group is not yet decided. what do you think should it be?: PAGE (When I first heared the group name ''Fact'', I thought of fact textes, so I thought that the fan club name could be ''PAGE'', since a text is built up on that? ^^ aahaha, yeah sorry, I'm weird ^^')

any suggestion, comment or question?: Just contact me if you want me to write more about my character (:


Key: Normal - Availabe II Red - Taken


Girl Band [Fact]

Main Vocalist

Lead Dancer + Sub Vocalist

Lead Vocalist

Main Dancer

Lead Rapper




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