M-5 Application


Character Information

full name: Lee Kyu Min
nickname: Kyu
preferred name: Kyu
age: 16/17
birthday: November 2,1995
birthplace: Paris, France
hometown: Quebec, Canada
ethnicity: French Korean
spoken languages: French (Native), Korean (Semi-Fluent), English (Fluent)
height: 173cm
weight: 47kg
personality: Kyu is very flip floppy with his personality. One day, he'll be totally crazy, and want to kill everybody and everything in his path; and the next he'll be as sweet as sugar. He enjoys playing soccer, even if he's notoriously bad at sports. He's a bit of a Diva, and he takes great pride in his looks. He doesn't like women much, simply because he thinks they all act the same. So he tends to stay away from them. He's a silent judge when he first sees people. However, he doesn't judge people based on their looks, or how they dress. He judges them by body language, and their actions. Some people would say he has no sense of humor, but they just don't get close enough to realize that he likes to troll people, and tell erted jokes just like any other teenaged guy.
background: Kyu's mother was a model. Kyu's father was a photographer. Before he was born, Kyu's father left his mother, so Kyu never knew him. However, he never felt much of a loss. How could he? He never even knew the man. From the age of 2, his mother had him modeling. He loved it, but as he grew up, he found that the business had a lot of girls in it. He would try to talk to them. But he found them all to be snobbish, and stuck up. Not only that, but they were catty and cruel. From a young age he had the impression that all women were like that, so because of that he never had female friends, never had a girlfriend. When he was 13, he found himself having a crush on one of the cute and nerdy photographers that was always working with his mother. That was how he discovered that he was gay. It was in that same year that his mother pulled him out of modeling for acedemic reasons, as Kyu had been slacking in his work. He hated it, but the next year he discovered music, and he found that he loved that more than posing in front of a camera for hours.
family members: Isabel LeBlanc/43/Supermodel
likes: Partying, Coffee, Bubble wrap, Going to the beach, Photography, Thunderstorms, Dusk
dislikes: Mornings, Racism, Women, Ignorance, Laziness, Lateness, Excuses, Rude People
habits: -
Biting his lip when he's embarassed
-Pacing when he's nervous
-Blowing up on people when he's irritated with them
-Brushing his teeth 5 times a day(when he wakes up, after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then before he goes to bed)
-Accidentally leaving the lights on all the time.
-Kyu is alergic to strawberries, and shellfish
-Kyu's favorite food is spicy food, his least favorite food is salty food
-He's known for having a harsh tongue when he's mad, and he once sent one of his stylists home in tears for tearing one of his favorite shirts by accident
-Kyu wasn't popular in high school
-When he was 6, Kyu and his mother moved to Canada 
-Kyu's mother is completely french, his father was Korean
-Kyu is the member that spends the most time on fashion, and his appearence
-He plays guitar very well, yet rarely gets the opprotunity to play anymore

Appearance & Style



ulzzang name: Yu Ha Min
style: Kyu likes to wear sweaters, and tees. He's always showing off a bit of his neck, and his chest. He wears skinny jeans, sneakers, and combat boots ocasionally. He's almost always wearing the necklace his mother gave him when he moved to Korea. (http://cfs12.tistory.com/original/29/tistory/2009/02/07/15/52/498d2fac24565)

Stage Information

stage name: Axel
position: Visual, Main Vocals, Leader
persona: Evil Leader
charisma persona: y Charisma
other jobs: He occasionally models.


*Remember! You do NOT have to have experience!*

do you have experience: Yes.
what sort of experience do you have:
[ ] ex-trainee   |   [X] modelling   |   [ ] acting   |   [ ] soloist   |   [ ] ex-group   |   [ ] CF   |   [ ] drama   |   [ ] extra   |   [ ] other - please state below
audition information: When Kyu auditioned for GiER entertainment, he was extremely nervous. He walked into the room, and somehow managed to keep his composure. He had brought his guitar with him, and played Teardrops in the Rain by C.N. Blue. He poured everything he had into the music, and he completely forgot about the world around him, so he didn't get to see the judge's reactions as he sang. But when he finally finished playing, and looked up, he saw that one of the judges had been moved to tears.

Relationship Information

crush: Lee Joon
how you met/meet: Backstage at a music bank event. Kyu had a cramp, and Joon came over to help him out with it. They talked, and found that they get along rather well.
rival: Lee Kikwang. Kyu feels like kikwang is a better dancer than him.



leader (X)
sub leader
lead vocal
main vocal (X)
lead dancer
main dancer 
lead rapper
main rapper 
center face / visual (X)

Terms and Conditions

By sending this in to me you are letting me use your character to the best of my abilities and will allow me the freedom to change things to suit my needs.

If you are accepted as a member of M-5, you be rightfully added and your profiles done up with knowledge that I may change certain things such as previous company/experience as I would much like to make a few people completely new, meaning having no prior experience at all for a fresh face.

It is important that you stay subscribed to the story, especially if you DON'T get accepted as there are high chances I will continue to change the line up and need more members to add in (second generation, third generation etc.)

If you have changed the font to any of this application to comic sans ms you are aware I will automatically reject your application. If you just remembered your application is indeed writting either fully or partically in comic sans ms, you are advised to change it back to Tahoma right now. Did you do it? Good.

With this all said and warned, are you willing to let me use your character for creative purposes that is M-5?

[x ] Yes | [ ] No


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