Deletng One Shots Collection

So just as the title says, I'll be deleting my One Shots collection


1. I don't write , i was planning on writing the first storylines and then pass the scenes to Bubbies

2. I don't have enough time to be thinking about new storylines every week/day >~< I just can't control all that D:

3. Bubbies... Bubbies has been having trouble writing the scenes as she isn't really a hard core shipper of every pairing. She got the TaengSic and YoonYul Chapters done but i needed the others done too

4. Honestly... Me and Bubbies don't really have enough time anymore OTL -bows down-



So from me and Bubbies

We apologize to those who requested and were waiting for the chapters

We really tried, even had a few half chapters done... but it was just too much for us :\

Bubbies and I will however being co operating in some of my fics

She might pop in a write a chapter one day :]


For now she's going back to watch anime/drama



Once again

Our sincere apologies T_T



Bubbles and Bubbies



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Thats okay...
Just keep updating your story..
When you will updating MGA??
Im really looking forward for this...