Super Junior Super Show 4 Singapore First Night

SS4 SG 1st night was awesome!

Me and my friend were at the front row of the moshpit Pen A by luck because no one wanted the corner spot even though it was at the very front row and at the corner of the walkway where there was SO. MUCH. INTERACTION.

The songs and dancing were awesome. The opening song... omg, everyone went crazy. They're so much more perfect in person. XD I didn't use my camera at all cause I didn't want to look at them through a screen, which is what I do when watching Youtube. They. Were. So. Perfect. And. Beautiful.

I could cry. :')

The concert was 4 hours long, and although I can't remember every single song they sang, although I can remember almost all of them, I know that I loved every single one of them.

Leeteuk's solo was so sweet-and longer then the rest cause it would be his last solo before the army-I cried. :') And I also cried during the intro video for KRYSD's 'Storm'.

Amber and Sulli from f(x) came for a guest performance during a song 'Oops'. I kept on trying to get Amber's attention cause she's just SO DAMN COOL but she was too far away. :'(

Henry(<3) sang 'Billionaire' for his solo. He totally should have come onstage more. Zhou Mi and him only came onstage for their solos, 太完美 and the ending song. :'( I was so sad that I saw so little of him. ON THE SUPER BRIGHT HAND SIDE, HENRY WAVED AND SMILED AT ME. He just so happened to be stationed in front of where I was standing at the ending of the concert, and I screamed his name for a full minute before he turned and looked at me. Before that he was waving at the people in the middle of Pen A and the other Pen opposite. So I screamed like heck(loudest I've screamed all concert) and he turned and waved at me. I know that he waved at me because he bent down and waved directly at me while smiling that freaking cute eye smile.

Henry's my bias and he totally made my day. :)

Around the start of the concert, Hae waved and smiled at my friend, and she went crazy cause he's her bias. Cause I was standing next to my friend, he also saw me and made a heart sign with his hands for me. Omg, the girls around me went crazy, hurh hurh hurh. I made a heart sign back, although I wasn't as thrilled as when Henry waved at me. :) But Hae is so cute too, haha.

Later on, Hae posed for my friend to take photos. He bent down and did the peace sign while grinning at her camera. XD

Nearing the end of the concert, I threw my balloon towards Yesung and he kicked it back towards me, although some other fangirl grabbed it. :( So I just took a balloon off the floor at the end of the concert.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun saw me too. :) They waved, although it wasn't a direct interaction thing like the three above. :)

PEN A FRIGGIN' ROCKS. I think there was the most interaction there.

During a song, me and my friend got featured on the big screen TV when they were projecting shoots of the audience. It was so freaky seeing myself on TV. :o

I only managed to take one photo of Hae cause the security guards were pretty strict about photography throughout the concert. I'm so buying the disc. :)

I'm so sad that it's over, though. SS4 SG has been something I've counted down to since last year October. And there's nothing to look forward to now that it's over. :'( I so want to go again, but today's the last day and I don't have tickets. Plus, I'm pretty much screwed for the tests on Monday and Tuesday.

Sigh... I still can't believe they waved at me. XD

Super happy and sad at the same time. :')

I hope that there'll be a Super Show 5 that I can go to next time. :)


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you're so lucky!
Glad you had fun and could share your experience with us :)
awwww so lucky... supa jealous....