Important Info!

I thought I would share some important updates on what is to come soon. Some of you, especially new subscribers, have probably already noticed the Prince's Maiden has been drafted except for the forward. The reason is because if you remember, I had tried to shorten it down to a short story out of nowhere in order to finish it faster. This obviously didn't work and it made me grow to hate working on the story so I shelved it, aka stopped working on it because I couldn't stand looking at it anymore trying to butcher it down. Now that some time has passed and people are still interested, I will be going in and making HELLA revisions and keeping to the original plan to show the story in full and not a short story. A short version just isn't possible for this and I'm ready to get back to it. However, I will not be heading back to it right away. Puppy Love has just finished revisions and the finale will be up probably by the time y'all see this. Mamacita is still under revisions as we speak and will be done as soon as I'm able. I'm almost halfway through. I thought it wouldn't take that long but damn, I didn't realize certain chapters needed a LOT of revision, more than I thought. However, it's for the best and I'm SO proud on how the new version is turning out. Some of it reads like an entirely new story/chapter compared to before. If this is the case, the revisions could take me longer than expected, so I'm gonna try to get as much done as I can over the winter break. I estimate probably mid??? January it will be fully back up, at least I'm hoping. Paparazzi is going to be the next work after Puppy Love to undergo revisions and then will be completed like I had wanted it to be a long time ago. And THEN I think I will be going back to Prince's Maiden hopefully. Because as soon as I'm done with Mamacita, I have a HUGE surprise/project that I think you're all gonna love. I am SO SO SO proud of how it's turning out and coming together and can't wait to share it. I will be promoting it out the when it's ready to come out. I'm sure you can already guess on what it is if it has to do with Mamaicta, but I'm still keeping it on the down low for now because I'm still working on the outlining process. It's going to be absolutely insane. After all of this, I'm not sure what to work on next. I've had many plans/ideas that haven't gotten off the ground yet. I might run another poll to see what you want.

In conclusion, things to look out for/what's happening:

1. Puppy Love finale Friday 12/22/23

2. Mamacita revisions into January (most likely)

3. Paparazzi revisions and being uploaded to completion starting next week

4. Prince's Maiden revisions and being uploaded to completion starting probably around March, maybe idk yet TBA

5. BIG surprise coming at the end of January

6. Will look into what the next story will be once summer hits and release it


Thank you so much and see y'all soon! It's good to be back!


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