About me/Writer Questions

I'm bored again and currently writing the longest chapter yet of Blackmouth so I'm taking a silly goofy break time. I've found the questions on the blogs section.


Ame :D


Seventeen (2015-), Exo (2012-), Ateez (2023-), and a casual of many ggs such as G-Idle, Red Velvet, Twice, Craxy, IVE, Aespa, etc. I also enjoy P-Pop a lot, mainly ALAMAT (2021-), BINI (2021-), plus G22 (2023-) casually.

Where do you post your work?

Mainly AFF, but I also cross-post some on AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, and promote them on my Twitter (I also wrote two(?) Twitter AUs on there; currently ongoing still).

Personal favourite story you've written/are writing?

San Ba Ko Nagkulang Saking Sinigang (deleted); Blackmouth (WIP, currently published on this account)

Method for titling fics

Before, I tended to go with ones that had rhythm or a melodic ring to it, like ones that could be a song title or a one-liner lyric. Now I like shorter ones, preferably one-word titles. My main criteria is that it has to have something to do with the overarching theme of the story. I know this is stating the obvious, but it used to be a non-thing for me in the past; almost like I think of the plot and the title separately, because my purpose for the two are separate: the plot is just the plot, but the title has to encompass all these things: promote, catch attention, give the feel I want to convey, carry the story on its back, which made it look almost disembodied from the story it's supposed to be a title to.

Work I am nervous about posting

The ones tackling heavy and controversial topics. Mainly because I have to be as educated as I can and not spread misinformation about them.

Do you outline your work or just wing it?

Both. I have to have a general skeletal structure otherwise I can't move forward with even setting the first scenes.

Do you write in order?

Yes. If I write something and have to work around it, I just tend to scrap the whole thing and write again from the top.

Do you start with something particular?

The first sentence is the most important. I have to be witty about it. It has to be something that instantly grabs the attention, maybe not in the most dramatic sense, but it has to invoke a sense of intrigue. Not just for the first chapter, but for every introductory sentence to the succeeding chapters as well.

How fully formed does your writing come out the first try?

The overall idea captures the feel I am going for usually in the first try, only lacking the proper grammar and plagued with a few typos here and there. But I am conscious when I write so I'm almost editing at the same time I'm writing, which is the reason why I write slower and take longer to finish a chapter. Not to mention I also go back and re-edit and proofread and revise a couple more times before publishing. And even then I still go back to further proofread and edit.

How many drafts do you go through?

Given the writing method on the previous question, I only ever write one draft that goes through several changes.

Tell me about your process because I’m curious!

Mental preparation is a very important part of my process. I have to sit for maybe a few minutes (I don't time this, since being overly conscious and technical defeats the purpose). I clear my head. I have a plan, but I intentionally divert my attention from it, almost like deliberately forgetting about that plan entirely. I let my mind wander, and usually it ends up finding the words that needs to be written down. That's how it starts. Afterwards I write until my laptop battery runs out and then I have to wrap up the session for the time being.

Any advice for other writers out there?

Especially for the ones who don't get clout, like me: If that's what gets you going, you're gonna be having a tough time. It to be unnoticed but it gives you so much free space to make mistakes without others crucifying you for them. You can figure things out on your own terms and at your own pace. So you can tick that off your box for now. Run free and run wild. You're gonna discover more of yourself this way, maybe not feedback and criticism from others but maybe from yourself—remember, you're just as credible as a critique and reader as they are, hey, you're here too, so why not seek your own advice first?

For those who have issues with confidence: bestie, let me be honest with you, and this one specifically helped me overcome my perfectionism with my writing: just write it. One of the most helpful piece of advice I found on the internet was from Kennie JD and her bad movie review series on YT: if people can make terrible writing/directing choices and still make millions of bucks, get published and/or even sign a movie/TV show deal for the ridiculous crap they put out, then how ing hard can it actually be? Write that book. Film that movie. Trust me, it's almost always never really that bad.


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