eden towers | lee daeguk

about me!
full name:
lee daeguk.
31 & 07.21.92
biual, female lean
section one!
positive; charming, flirty, confident
neutral; materialistic, inferior, judgmental
negative; slow witted, manipulative, spoiled

daeguk is known for throwing amazing parties and being a people person at them. he is charming and can make anyone feel comfortable. he is also veyr smooth if he finds you beautiful. he carries himself confidently because he dresses well and makes sure he always looks good.

he is materialistic so he judges others by waht they have and how they look. not by their personality. even he himself will say that material goods and looks matters more than the personality. but he is a jealous person, he doesn't like others being better than him and likes to one-up them. even with the latest things he makes sure he keeps up with them so he's never behind. he feels inferior to those that are better than him or more wealthy and he hates that feeling because he always felt inferior to his siblings.

he's never the smartest guy in the room. when it comes to money he spends frivilously and doesn't understand deep talks about books or philosophy because he doesn't read them. he is spoiled so he'll always ask his parents for help so when he deosn't get what he will try other ways to get it no matter the lengths. he is greedy in that way that he doesn't mind manipulating to get his way. 
❝ likes:
- league of legends
- anime like attack on titan, naruto, pokemon, tokyo ghoul, dragon ball z
- sleeping in
- high quality sushi
- having a beer with his meals
❝ dislikes:
- dog sitting sarang's dog poki because shes so high maintenance
- really hot days
- being bossed around
- his parents nagging him
- wasps because he’s allergic
- traffic jams
- bugs
❝ hobbies:
- gaming
- working out
- collecting shoes and colognes
- partying and hosting parties
- flexing on social media
- following sarang to events
❝ trivia:
- he can eat sushi 25/8
- he enjoys partying, drinking and doing drugs
- his house is often a mess so he has a maid to come clean it three times a week
- he goes to the gym everyday
- his go-to cologne is tom ford oud wood
- he drives a bentley mulliner
- he smokes socially and when he's stressed
- his go-to coffee order is an iced americano and his go-to bubble tea order is brown sugar
- he was raised christian but never goes to church now
- his favorite artist is travis scott, jay park, lil uzivert, kanye and drake
- he has a golden shower kink, he makes workers at his social club pee on him and it makes him feel powerful because he can get them to do whatever he wants. no one knows this. he would never dare to tell sarang or even do that with her because he feels inferior to her.
- he loves a good bubble bath
- he has a gambling addiction
- he's terrible at managing money
- would you act a royal knight for revenge? subscribe to the story, don't bully others, can apply twice
section two!
daeguk is the son of a well known business man. with every family there is at least one disappointment and that’s him. he has two older siblings who are doing way better than him. he was never good at school, instead he wanted to mess around and used his father to get him out of things. he tried for a bit until he was in middle school when he realized that he’d never be as good as his brother. He started drinking in middle school when he was 14 because of all the stress. At first he tried it for fun with friends but then he liked the feeling of forgetting and going crazy so he kept doing it and that turned into trying stronger alcohol and experimenting with substances. He stayed friends with his rich friends and shunned anyone who’s allowance didn’t fit with theirs. It was fun messing with the poorer kids and taking his anger out on them, it helped him to take out his own frustrations. when he came to school drunk or caused trouble at school his dad covered it up and gave a donation to the school or paid the families. as he got older this habit didn’t change, he graduated college in business from seoul national university due to his dads connections and worked for his father for a bit but hated it. he actually skipped military service since his dad used his connections to defer it, nothing uncommon at their status. he wanted to prove he could do well on his own and not as dumb as his family always said so he opened an elite social club as well as multiple different businesses that keep failing. he at managing money and even with his social club his staff quits often after they realize he can’t pay them. put that and his gambling addiction and his debts keep rising. everytime this happens he goes to his father to bail him out. but when his dad has finally had enough with his antics and said no to helping him out, his new idea is to marry his loaded girlfriend so her family wealth can free him from his mounting debts and help his social club expand into a franchise.
section three!
face claim:
main fc; lee minhyuk

back up fc; yook sungjae
he only wants to marry sarang for opportunity, he evaded the military, he does drugs and gambling
section four!
kim sarang | tower
tiffany hwang | 31 | girlfriend | Daeguk met Sarang at a socialite club. She’s an influencer with a ton of followers and a bubbly personality. She’s a bit slow witted and melodramatic but means well and tries to see the bright side of things. Her family is a super loaded chaebol, she’s the youngest daughter and princess of the family. Her life has been documented in the tabloids since she was a kid and she has a an avid fanbase so she’s used to the attention. They started dating a year and a half ago, Daeguk swooped her off her feet at a party because she was shining and beautiful and she’d be good for business, he also wanted the prettiest girl in the room. Her attending his social club definitely helped it a lot. She’s in love with him a lot more than he is her but he tries to be there when she needs him so he doesn’t lose her. He definitely enjoys the perks of dating someone with millions of followers. There’s a lot more red carpets and events than he thought though. Now that he wants to marry her he’ll definitely butter her up more. 
han jinoh | tower
choi minho | 31 | best friend | Daeguk has been friends with Jinoh for years now. They also met at a party once Daeguk moved to Eden. He’s a professor at the local college, he teaches literature and sleeps with some of his students. He’s very intelligent and philosophical but an obnoxious jerk that’s really full of himself because he’s smarter than the average person. He loves to party and do drugs then down a hangover medicine so he could go to work the next day. But he would do anything for Eunchae, he’s had a crush on her for a very long time though she never gave him the time of day.
son eunchae | tower
choi sooyoung | 31 | girlfriends best friend | Eunchae is Sarang’s best friend. Sarang tells her everything and she’s her voice of reason when her mind is going insane. She isn’t the biggest fan of Daeguk but wants Sarang to be happy yet doesn’t want her to get hurt. If there are any red flags she’d tell her quickly. Whenever Daeguk is around her they mostly just talk about Sarang. 
character name | residence
face claim | age | relationship | info 


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