eden towers | hwang eunchae

about me!
full name:
hwang eunchae.
31 & 09.28.92
assistant principal 
section one!
positive; smart, loyal, professional
neutral; independent, observant, workaholic
negative; suspicious, cold, repressive

eunchae is so intelligent and intellectual. she tends to be “the adult in the room,” and has embraced the term of “icy " because of how serious she can be but she doesn't care. she likes being matter of fact and having respect, though around kids she shows a softer side. still you cant get anything past her because she's so observant. she doesnt like relying on others for things so she likes to work alone and can be a workaholic with all her responsibilites. she likes it though because it discracts her from thinking of her past mistakes. sarang has to convince her to take a break with her. she can see through fake people and uses logic more than her emotions to make decisions. when eunchae was young she couldn't show her emotions around her mom and that shaped her a lot. now she's very good at hiding how her truly feelings and remaining porfessional. even if she doesn't feel well she'll smile at an event and act like everything is fine. its when she's alone that she'll have a glass of wine and take a bubble bath to feel better. even when she wants to talk about it she is very awkward and its hard for her to soften up, she rather say something sarcastic. she has a hard time feeling and doesnt know why, she puts so much effort into volunteering and works with kids because she wants to be someone thats empathetic but she jsut wasnt born with it. its all an act to her, she hasnt met someone that truly made her feel. thats why with love she just hooks up instead of dating because she doesnt think shes capable of it. but deep down she wants to somehow be vulnerable and not see all her emotions so logically, she wants to fall in love.
❝ likes:
- volunteering
- art galleries
- wine at the end of the day
- dog sitting poki
- neat places
- vanilla scents
- bubble baths
- working
- keeping busy
❝ dislikes:
- being drunk
- wrinkled clothes
- bullying and injustice, if she sees any of the kids do it she'll stop it right away
- winter
❝ hobbies:
- going to art shows and auctions because she likes to buy them
- going on influencer adventures with sarang
- collecting perfumes
- buying home goods
- traveling
- volunteering
- donating
❝ trivia:
- she goes by son eunchae
- she doesnt like getting drunk because she likes being in control
- she has way too many perfumes 
- she loves going to tropical places during the winter
- she kind of wants a boyfriend but all she's done is casual hookups because she doesn't want to open up
- she wanted to work with kids because she feels bad about what she did with the well-water scandal
- sometimes she tries to cry but she cant and it gets her frustrated. so when she should cry she brings eye drops just incase
- she drives a 2022 porsche panamera
- would you act a royal knight for revenge? subscribe to the story, don't bully others, can apply twice
section two!

The daughter of a chaotic, bohemian single mother and a ruthless business man eunchae had a hard yet privileged upbringing. her parents divorced when she was a little kid and they shared custody with her mom getting most of it since her father was very busy. eunchae is one of 7 kids, all half siblings of each other, her dads time was very rare and imagine splitting it between 7. her mom was an unstable yet beautiful model, eunchae had to deal with her crazy mood swings and be as the adult many times. her mom hated when she showed emotions so she was good at hiding her own. in school she was an honor student that often took responsibility roles because she was mature for her age. when she was 15 her mom had a break down over a man and slit her wrist causing her to be hospitalized and her dad getting custody. but instead of taking cacre of her he sent her to boarding school, either way he supported her financially like always and got her anything she wanted. after graduating top of her class eunchae went to seoul national university. her father tried to get her into the family business after graduating, he is an activist investor aka a corporate raider and there isn't an industry he hasn't had his hands in. but while working for him she realized that he's very unethical. he makes money by stripping businesses for parts, destroying workers' lives for shareholders profits, addition to the backroom deals to police, cleansing of a CEO's record of ual assault or paid to have well-water toxicity reports falsified, which resulted in several children getting cancer and the company made £400 millions. she was involved in the latter and never forgave herself for it. since she was 24 she cut him off and moved to eden using the name son eunchae which is her moms surname instead of hwang eunchae. since moving to eden she's become an english teacher and worked her way up to assistant principal over the years since she was well liked and organized. she has been a member of the eden-haesol town committee for a while too and she's known for her conflict mediations and volunteering.

section three!
face claim:
main fc; choi sooyoung

back up fc; kwon yuri
her father is hwang beomin and she was apart of the well-water scandal.
section four!
kim sarang | tower
tiffany hwang | 31 | best friend | sarang was eunchae's first friend in eden and has been her best friend since. she's a very bubbly and trusting person so eunchae worries about her a lot. she is suspicious of everyone that  comes close to her since a lot of people only want to because shes a popular influencer. she is the only person that eunchae can kind of sort of express her emotions to. they go on many girl trips and go over each others houses a lot. she just wants the best for sarang and sarang wants her to find the love of her life because shes so lonely.
han jinoh | tower
choi minho | 31 | best friend | minho has had a crush on eunchae for a long time. he has tried to get with her many times but she never gives him the time of day. she rather sleep with a random guy than him. even flexing his english skills didnt help to impress her. she must admit that he is intelligent, their banter never makes sense to sarang who only picks up a book for the aesthetic of the photo. 
lee daeguk | tower
lee minhyuk | 31 | best friends boyfriend | eunchae doesn't like daeguk for sarang. he sees how her expression changes when shes not looking and isnt a fan of his lifestyle that isnt good for her. she doesnt want to tell her what to do but shes not afraid to be vocal about his red flags. she can't stand when hes around though she'll play it off so sarang can be happy. usually sarang has to ask the two not to argue.
jeong jaebyul | village
bae inhyuk | age | colleagues and friends | they work at the same school and have become good friends over the years. now that eunchae is a principal he refers to her more respectfully but when everyone else isnt around theyre very comfortable around each other and joke a lot. he's trying to find her a boyfriend like sarang because she's such a loner. yoohwan isn't fond of him because he thinks they're a couple.
jeong hwabyeol | village
kim taeyeon | age | colleague | since they are both on the town committee they work together. eunchae doesn't quite like how she came out of nowhere and started running things but she'll digress since its jaebyul's sister. hwabyeol might not like her much either despite all shes done for the relationship between eden and haesol. though they are cordial and willing to work together.
bae yoohwan | tower
kim kwang kyu | 55 | boss | yoohwan is the principal of the school she works at. they work closely together and he has a bit of a crush on her despite having a child and wife. he makes inappropriate comments sometimes like hes trying to insinuate something. but good thing eunchae can keep her composure or else she'd punch him in the face already. oddly enough the year eunchae became assistant principal he was suddenly able to afford an apartment in eden.
hwang beomin | seoul
jeong boseok | 64 | father | beomin has been on the list of richest koreans in the top 3 for decades. surprisingly with all the bad things hes done and how money hungry he is when you google his name its full of articles saying how insirational he is. he is the founder of hbm coporation investing in biomedical research and telecommunications and other businesses. funny enough he grew up in haesol in humble beginnings but worked his way out becoming a ceo at 26. He doesnt like most of his kids for their stupidity and greed, but adores his youngest eunchae who grew up as a genius like him. even though she cut him off he never left her life, he knows where she lives and got her the job at the middle school as a teacher despite not majoring in english. he also is the one that got her promoted to assistant principal so fast and got her high pay by paying yoohwan. he is the only one that knows who her father is. he even got her her apartment in eden so fast and a high spot on the town committee. she doesnt know any of this though, she'd really hate it if she found out. so far he's been leaving her alone but soon he will want her to learn the business so she can take over. he sees what shes doing now as messing around.
son nayoung | seoul
uhm junghwa | 54 | mother | nayoung is in a luxurious mental hospital in seoul. even though she caused eunchae a lot of mental trauma she still visits her from time to time but its been a while since the last time. she is the name on file so anytime she has a problem the hospital calls her. 


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