Application Form

Name:Choi Jihyun

AFF Username: kpopgrape151

Age & Birthday; 17 & 15/1/1995

Mentor :Sungyeol or Sunggyu

Photo: 1 2 3 4

Backgrounds: She's very rude.She loves to swear at everything and anything.At least not to innocent people though.She has a problem with following instructions because she finds them unnecessary.She'll do things when she wants to.She's quiet when she's with other people but when she's with her family and college friends or othe friends,she'll be the loudest out of them all.

The reason that she's in this show is because of her school and partying problems.She always skip school and goes out with her collage friends who are male.She also loves clubing and smoking and drinking.She finds them relaxing.The reason she became like that is nothing really.She just got influenced by her ex-boyfriend who was a person who loves partying.He thought her how to smoke & drink freely.She had no problem getting into clubs because her parents are the owners of most clubs.Yes,their rich.

They care about her and doesn't like her being this way but they don't say anything because they're afraid that she'll hate them.She has two dongsaengs,Choi 'Changjo' Jonghyun and Choi Jyuna and she loves them dearly.She hopes that her siblings won't be like her because she secretly feels sorry for her parents to have to deal with her.Overall, her family has a very tight bond.She hates her ex-boyfriend with a passion.She hates him for influencing her but she can't really blame him for all of it.She agreed with it.


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