della's mubank - 10

"I am so blind, love is so blind."

It's been so long, I'm so sorry! But... I'm back.

For the special 10th mubank, I decided on this song: "Blind" by HISTORY. It was released in 2013 on their mini-album "Just Now". I know-- they're not any of my top groups and it's not a new song, but it's so awesome and totally underrated. I seriously haven't been this hyped up about a K-Pop song for a really long time.

Enough about me! Onto the song.

It has two main moods. One is gentle with a simple sound and soft, light piano and string notes. The other is more dramatic, with heavy synth. At times, the two come together, and it's so beautiful! It has both really great vocal and rap parts-- it's basically a magnum opus 2nd/3rd gen song. (I know it's 3rd gen, but some elements of 2nd gen are still in it, I feel.) I especially love the part after the final chorus. When all of their voices come together, they all hold so much emotion and it's so pleasing to listen to. They sound so great... I do wish the song didn't end so abruptly, though. I feel as if the ending could be a little more gradual after the intensity of that final part.

The lyrics carry the whole optical theme with them. They sing about how because they are so in love with you (or crazy for you), they can only see you. You are the light that allows them to see, yet at the same time, you are all they can see because they see you in everything.

They're happy to have eyes so they can see you, and they're happy because your beauty is in everything. Sure, maybe a little obsessive, but a lot of people can't deny it hasn't happened to them.

"Blind" is dedicative, dramatic, and has the right amount of emotion put into it to truly make you feel like they're singing to you. Please, give it a listen.

Sadly, once again, I couldn't find the auto-uploaded audio vid. If you decide to seek it out, I hope you enjoy! Read you later~


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not a bad choice! i myself am partial to might just die and ghost, though o u o