
bmykpopluva | minna | 5/10
I might mess around and get my college degree
I bet my old man would be so proud of me.
FULL NAME Joselyn Ong (옹조슬린)
 — Ong Jaehyun (옹재현) — Her official Korean name
 — Josie — The name people back home called her
 — Oppa — She has a boy name and a "boyish" fashion sense and personality so her friends would call her that
 — Titan — Her older brothers name for her since they're the same height
 — The Grinch — Youngbae calls her that whenever she's being cranky since Youngbae is an early riser
DATE OF BIRTH (AGE) May 10, 2000 (22)
BIRTHPLACE Honolulu, Hawaii
HOMETOWN Honolulu, Hawaii
NATIONALITY American-Korean
 — Konglish — The main language she speaks on the daily when talking to friends and just living in Korea because she can't remember half of Korean words
 — English — Her native language
 — Korean — She learned when she trained and after that she just learned from living in Korea but she still kind of . She can never find the right word so Konglish is her go to
FACECLAIM Everglow's Aisha
BACK-UP Nature's Loha
people often assume that joselyn is mixed because of her features, tan skin, and the fact that she speaks korean like an american. even her hair is naturally wavy and the fact that her hair is dyed brown with her obsession with colored contacts doesn't help either. she's hella tall and slim like your typical model at 176cm and 55kg. a little under weight according to bmi but she really doesn't get how because she has the worst diet ever. her tongue piercing was her first and last piercing because that hurt. she wanted to get her ears pierced because she likes how it looks but she can't bare that pain again so she only wears fake piercings.
she gets a lot of sponsored clothes from companies so she rarely goes shopping. she wears whatever is comfortable, her friends know her as a tragic dresser because she would have name brand items but pair them terribly. she really doesn't care though because she comfy. when she gets ready in the morning she just puts on whatever catches her eye and hopes for the best. fashion is in the eye beholder anyways. even though she lives in korea technically she spends a lot of time overseas so she rarely follows any trends there and really doesn't care when she gets stared at. when she wears a short skirt or dress she always wears shorts underneath because she's a manspreader and it's better than worrying about if her undies are showing in the wind. she isn't insecure about her body because she's a model for godsakes so she really wears anything she likes. her model walk helps her pull off any look anyways. one thing she refuses is to wear heels on her day off and she hates tight dresses or skirts that rise up because after a while she gets too lazy to pull it down and it just becomes a belt that accomodates her undershorts.
POS — original, logical, witty, dorky, competitive, calm, introverted, honest
NEG — lazy, oblivious, spoiled, compliant, selfish, nonchalant, slow witted
joselyn is your typical unmotivated and lazy friend that we all know and love. the only introverted part about her is her laziness, she just rather be at home than at a party standing up. other than that talking to people was never a problem for her. you know she actually wouldn't say she's unmotivated because he has many interests. she takes on many short term projects just because she likes to try things once and probably never do them again. but that doesn't create stability and is probably one of the wrost traits to have in order to be successful.
she's actually a really smart person with many talents, she just doesn't apply herself because its too much work. her laziness is seriously the worst. she won't put any extra effort in things. for example, if she has to learn a dance then she'll learn it and thats all. she won't put that extra work to perfect it so she looks amazing with every move. for someone thats so naturally talented in many things you'd think she'd apply herself more. she grew up not having much expectations on her and her parents coddled her so as she grew up she just didn't care about things.
her upbringing caused him to be a little selfish, not unreasonably (in her eyes at least) but she expects people to treat her like her parents. if something is out of reach she'll ask someone else to get it since she's too lazy to get up. instead of actually getting up herself she rather suffer not having it. if she wants to do something she'll do it, if she doesn't want to do something she won't do it. but she's not that stubborn, she knows that modeling is her job so she still wakes up early to make it to set. though that's where her dilemma comes in, she wants to be a singer and succeed on produce angel but her laziness gets the best of her. usually if it gets too tiring and theres no commitment attached she really doesn't mind giving up but that's the thing, she doesn't want to give up singing and doesn't want to fail. it's something that she'll be fighting with throughout the show.
you'd never met someone so smart yet so dumb until you've met joselyn. she can understand complicated things, come up with strategic plans and is a pro at chess but she at picking up on other peoples feelings when its not straight forward. people often hide what they really feel but even then its kind of obvious, but not to joselyn. if you're not crying or pouting when you're sad then she won't be able to tell. she's known for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and not reading the room.
when it comes to her own emotions she's really passive, she doesn't get worked up over small things. she isn't good at empathizing either, probably not the best person to talk to when you're sad. she's not a total robot but lets just say she's not helpful. she always answers things honestly that it might hurt the other persons feelings, she just doesn't see the point in lying. she's really an unbothered person and doesn't care about the little things. hse's most likely to stay calm in many situations. maybe too chill. when someone confronts her she'll just say something like "dude you needa chill" instead of matching their energy or taking the situation seriously. she really just doesn't think most things are a big deal. life is too short to take it too seriously.
the way she thinks is really interesting. she often thinks outside the box like the weirdo she is. she has instant comebacks that are hilarious and has the ability to be effortlessly funny whether its her weird dancing or funny comments. her yo mama jokes are on point. since she has no shame he doesn't care about getting embarrassed.
Joselyn grew up in Honolulu Hawaii as the youngest of three siblings. Her family is pretty successful, both of her parents have their own businesses and her siblings are athletes. Her dad is a vet and her mom has her own dog grooming place while her older sister is a beach volleyball champion and her older brother is a surfing champion that made his olympic debut in 2020. With such an amazing family you'd think that Joselyn would be just as determined but nope, she turned out to be a lazy kid. Joselyn didn't wanna do anything growing up, her main hobby wasn't a sport it was laying down on the beach while her siblings did some adventurous stuff that she wanted absolutely no part in.
She didn't feel like a failure either, she actually really doesn't care about all that. Ask her if she feels lacking compared to her siblings and she'd say she's just happy that she got up before 2pm today. Her parents tried to put her in different activities hoping that one would catch on but none of them did. She didn't have that competitive drive that the rest of her family did. Her parents didn't bother putting so much pressure on her or make her feel like a failure either because they were so occupied with taking her older siblings to competitions and practice. Joselyn would happily just fall asleep in the back seat until she was back home. They really enabled her and spoiled her actually.
Her unmotivated nature dragged onto school as well, she never studied once but still got pretty good grades. If it wasn't for her being naturally smart she would've failed many classes. Usually as you get older you find an interest that you want to turn into a career but that never happened for Joselyn until she discovered BlackPink when she was 16 and it changed her life forever.
She didn't know what Kpop was before 2016, she went to Korea twice when she was younger and barely spoke Korean at home so she didn't know anything about her motherland. But Blackpink completely changed her life it was like a light in her brain and she suddenly started caring. She fell head over heels for Jennie who she thought was the most beautiful person she's ever seen and wanted to be just like her. Her parents were actually just happy that she found something she's interested in so when she wanted to audition for YG in LA they supported her so much that they took a plane to California. She sang and rapped See You Again by Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa and she ended up being one of the 5 that made it out of 1200 applicants.
 — people tend to think she's mixed especially because she's tan but she's not
 — she never met jennie but if she did she thinks she'd pass out
 — she learned a lot about rapping and charisma from watching hyuna so she's a big fan of her too
 — her parents are 2nd gen korean immigrants so they speak broken korean at most and her siblings don't speak it at all
 — she likes spicy food but can't take so she just suffers and cries while she eats
 — her ideal type is jennie but for a guy then she'd say keanu reeves or jason momoa
 — if she bothers to leave her house and hang out with you then she must consider you a friend. if not then you must be an acquaintance
 — coughs dramatically when someone smokes a cigarette but vapes all day
 — she doesn't gain weight easily and already accepts the fact that it'll catch up to her later in life so her diet is terrible
 — she rather diet than exercise 
 — she can't drive but he wants to learn so she could go on a roadtrip with her friends
 — she might be lazy but when she's in the mood she's a party girl and goes crazy
 — she always get jelly with her boba because if you don't you're missing out
 — she's just constantly struggling for no reason??
 — she actually took ballet classes when she was younger so she's better at fluid dancing than popping and stuff
 — she knows how to surf and skate but she wouldn't call it a hobby because she doesn't practice at all
 — her handwriting is the worst, good luck reading it buddy
 — blood terrifies her. she's too lazy to put water or cream so she just raw dogs her when she shaves and ends up cutting herself and she passing out from one drop of blood. so yeah, its pretty bad. she just wake up on the bathroom floor five minutes later and ends up fine. but it causes her to be even more late.
 — she also hates getting shots, any kind of needle terrifies her. she never wants to get another piercing everrrr.
 — blackpink, her favorite girl group. she has a lightstick and knows all their songs. her favorite is jennie and she has a poster of her in the ceiling above her bed. she knows all blackpink dances too, not from practicing but watching their live performances so much
 — animals, they're so much better than people? why don't people have fur :/
 — sour things, she has no idea why she likes sour things but sour candies are his favorite. sour patch kids are superior
 — mint chocolate, is she weird for that? maybe. but its her favorite ice cream flavor
 — her bed, its his favorite place to be
 — chicken, she can eat a whole bucket on her own with no meat left on the bones. people who leave meat on the bone are a disgrace
 — pineapples on pizza, don't come at her
 — cuddling, she loves it. lay next to her and you're getting cuddled but don’t touch her when it’s too hot or she’ll kick you off
 — things that are so ugly that they turn cute, she can’t explain it but ugly things are just so cute
 — fake tattoos and piercings, she can't handle needles but the aesthetic is so pretty so she wears fake ones
 — sharing food, she’s fine sharing if she intends to but when someone just takes some like girl what hell no- even if you ask for some she has no problem saying no cuz she greedy
 — long series, if it has more than 6 episodes and more than 1 season she’s not watching it. she doesn’t have the patience. the only series she watched was vampire diaries and the end wasn’t even worth it so now she refuses to watch another one  
 — shopping, it’s so tiring!! once she hits an hour of shopping she’s over it. why go shopping anyways when most places have
 — walking, its literally her job but when she's not working she wants no part in it
 — dancing, its not that she dislikes it but training and doing the same thing over and over scarred her
 — winter, she's from hawaii that should be enough explaination
 — cleaning, her mom always did it so cleaning up after herself isn't a habit that she developed yet. her place is a hot mess
 — waking up early, she should be used to it by now but she still wakes up late almost every time
 — drinking water, because thens he has to pee often and its annoying to get up every hour
 — school, she graduated but didn't go to college and doesn't plan on it. school just isn't for her
 — tight clothes, they're so annoying and uncomfy
 — heels, she can walk in them well but they still uncomfy and she hates them
 — when she's given shoes that aren't the right size, they coordi has one job... come on
 — running late, its a bad habit that she's always had and can't get rid of. mostly because she wakes up late and she's a slow walker for a tall person. but it’s gotten a lot better after modeling
 — being a clumsy mess, she made a compilation video of all her falls and trips and mistakes on the runway and posted it on her YouTube. It’s literally the only video up and she watches it when she needs a good laugh
 — waving at every animal she sees, she loves animals don't judge her
 — casually has a whole conversation with inanimate objects and calls them good listeners because they don't interrupt her when she speaks, sometimes she just don’t wanna hear opinions or advice ya know
 — biting her friends butts just because
 — smacking his lips when he chews, especially when its good
 — resting her arm on short peoples heads
 — dozing off when someone is talking for a long time i.e more than 5 minutes
 — throwing things in the trash from afar like basketball and missing every time then telling the nearest person to get it 
 — sneezing so loud that its almost obnoxious
 — sleeping literally anywhere
 — apologizing to inanimate objects when he bumps into them but never apologizing to people
 — casual cursing
 — whining and laying on the floor when she gets tired of doing something
 — burping out loud to see how loud and long it’ll be
 — asking someone to get something thats 2cm away from arms length because she doesn't wanna get up
 — getting up slowly like a grandma
 — ordering food in the am and eating it secretly so she doesn't have to share
 — snacking everywhere, she always has a snack w her and hides it in the most random places like her bra
 — sleeping, she sleeps more than the average person. at least 12 hours. on her days off he might sleep a whole day or wake up to eat then go back to sleep. she sleeps with her limbs spread everywhere and mumbles
 — doing everything but what she's supposed to do :D
 — laying in bed thinking about life and the evolution of humanity
 — watching movies and actually leaving ratings, its not originally a hobby but at this rate it might as well be considered one. she rates movies honestly everytime.  
 — mobile games, computer games are too much work because she actually has to get her computer. she isn’t competitive so she doesn’t care about completing it perfectly she just wants to move to the next level as fast as possible
 — hiding from staff while eating snacks
 — she can play the ukulele but doesn’t actively practice
 — traveling, she always traveled as a kid but after becoming a model she really started to love discovering new places with her friends
 — online shopping, retail therapy is the best therapy
 — she likes playing sims4 and adds actually people in her life and makes them date etc. she made himself as a character and she's dating jennie from blackpink. she giggles evilly whenever someone woohoos and actually confuses the in game drama with real life so she might think 2 people are dating that actually aren’t but in the game they are.
 — just dance, when she isn't practicing she uses just dance as her exercise. tough thing is that she plays sitting down half the time
Joselyn's parents are her biggest enablers, since she's the youngest they baby her the most. They're on the verge of throwing her a party everytime she wakes up before 12pm. They really celebrate her doing the bare minimum since before they didn't even get that. They just want her to find her passion and be happy, they're big believers of if it doesn't make you happy anymore then leave it. Even though its been years they still can't believe that she has a full time job as a model and buy every single magazine that she's on. The first time her dad saw her on a magazine he cried a river and will likely do the same when he sees her on produce angel.
As the first child Christina is the go getter of the family, she's the one that wants to make her parents proud and impress them. She really did reach all their expectations though, girl is a beast. She's hard on herself and a workaholic and just the opposite of Joselyn. They don't get along all the time and Christina is always calling Joselyn a lazy . She sends motivational quotes to the family group chat and Julius and Joselyn clown her every time.
OLDER BROTHER / JULIUS ONG / 24 / PRO SURFER / ENTP / FC: Seventeen's Joshua
It seems like after Christina the motivation each sibling had just kept going down. So while he's not as motivated as Christina he's not as lazy as Joselyn either but he has his moments still. He has a normal work ethic instead of being a workaholic, he actually loves surfing so it doesn't seem like a job to him. You know the stereotypical surfs up dude surfer that's super lax, yeah that's how Julius us. Instead of being a structured freak like Christina he's an adventurous adrenaline junkie that often plays mediator between the two.

Every introvert friend needs an extrovert and that's Youngbae. She's a model at YG KPlus too and that's where they met. Youngbae is originally from Jeju and Seoul apartments are expensive so she asked if she wanted to be roommates and became roomies in late 2019. Youngbae just wants to have fun, she goes out almost every night to a new party and tries to drag Joselyn along but only has a 50% success rate. She basically has all the energy that Joselyn is missing and encourages her to do stupid things. They get booked for the same shows often so they're basically always together. They basically share everything from underwear to men, the list goes on. They would literally walk in on each other hooking up with someone like its nothing and ask if they want take out. Any arguments last less than 5 minutes because Youngbae always has something new to tell her. Youngbae is just easygoing, she doesn't want any bad vibes. Youngbae is seriously her ride or die, they have a chicks before policy and she loves her to the moon and back.
Joselyn met Minkyu at a party in Paris, it was actually Youngbae who introduced them. He kept flirting with Joselyn and Youngbae assured her that he was good in bed because they've hooked up a few times so Joselyn hooked up with him too because why not. Minkyu is a model too under NEXT Models but lived in Seoul. After hooking up they became friends, usually Joselyn doesn't talk to the people she hooks up with after but she actually liked talking to Minkyu. Once again Seoul is expensive and Minkyu was struggling with his rent so Youngbae invited him to live with them, it would cut their portion of the rent down too anyways. Minkyu moved in in 2021 and since then Joselyn has become more and more fond of him. They're just friends with benefits now, they occassionally hook up because Joselyn is too lazy to talk to other people and Minkyu is already there. At least thats what she says, but she actually kind of likes Minkyu. He's a lot more caring than she thought he'd be and she somehow enjoys the annoying banter they have since he refutes almost all her points just to get her worked up. She thinks he's out there hooking up with other girls living his best life but he's rejected everyone because all he wants is Joselyn, he's just not sure if he's what she wants though. While Youngbae is just there shipping them like crazy and they both deny it.
TALENT TWIN Everglow's Aisha 
 — 2017: Became a YG Trainee
 — 2018: Signed with YG KPlus
 — 2020: Signed with Elite Model Management for overseas work
Joselyn had no training experience before becoming a trainee at YG in 2017 so it was totally new for her. Two things she didn't expect, for it to be so much work and for her to miss her parents so much. She was more determined than she's ever been during training but man was it a struggle. She was a certified couch potato before and now she was dancing 7 times a week in a country where she didn't speak the language. She really felt like she wanted to go home because even her dorm had roaches and girl was just going thru it. She complained to her parents a bunch but everytime they asked her if she wanted to go home she said no which was surprising to them and made them proud of her. Joselyn had no idea how the Kpop industry worked so she didn't know that if a group just debuted then it'll take a while for the company to debut another one. She even asked the dance instructor when she'd debut and start performing and they basically laughed in her face.
Joselyn wanted to be an idol but YG had different plans for her. By the time she was 16 she was done growing and ended up 172cm. She towered over the other trainees and the staff thought it would be a great opportunity for her to debut as a model under YG KPlus. She took modeling classes along with the regular training thinking that she'd be the face of the group or something but instead she made her debut as a model at Seoul Fashion Week in 2018. She was supposed to be a model and a trainee but instead she ended up doing modeling full time because of how booked and busy she was.
In 2020 she signed a contract with Elite Model Management that made her even more busy. She worked with many brands worldwide and appeared in fashion week and magazines all over the world. She spent her late teens traveling, sleeping in hotels, and attended after parties. On her spare time she was still allowed to train and use the facilities at YG or attend lessons that she found interesting. She wanted to apply for Produce 48 though she didn't have the time to so now she won't let Produce Angel slip through her fingers. Being an idol is still her dream no matter how much she loves modeling.
IF YOU WERE A MEMBER OF A K-POP GROUP, WHAT WOULD YOUR POSITION BE? "I think I'd be the main rapper, at least I want to be. I'm begging please don't give me a dancing position that's so much work I'll literally cry."
OUT OF 10 HOW TALENTED WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF? "Uhhhhhhhh a five? But at least I can pick my nose with my tongue!" *proceeds to pick nose w/ tongue like the badass she is*

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A KPOP IDOL? "Ok so it was 2016 and I was sitting in my room eating doritos- oh wait can I say doritos? Nevermind y'all will bleep it out if you have to. Anyways so there I was on the last chip scrolling through youtube minding my own business and I see this hot girl blowing gum on the thumbnail of a recommended video. So I click on it and fell in love and here I am. By the way, that was Jennie in boombayah in case you didn't know. Ugh she's so pretty, she seriously had me questioning my uality. But seriously, she's the reason I found Kpop and wanted to become an idol in the first place. I got a little side tracked by the whole modeling thing but it's still my drream. If it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't even become a model and would most likely be sleeping right now."

DO YOU HAVE GOOD STAGE PRESENCE AND CHARISMA? WHAT ABOUT STAR QUALITY?  "Honestly I have no idea. I only trained for 6 months so we'll see on the show I guess. I'm wondering the same not gonna lie."

WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A TEAM PLAYER? "I mean yeah. Isn't the goal to debut a girl group? How can we not be team players when we're literally a team." 

But sorry pops you'll just have to wait...
Today I don't feel like doing anything.
 — hoi here is my lazy girlie. she a little recycled or whateva so i hope she making sense 
 — here!
 — here!
 — at first i see her being her typical lazy self but then she doesnt get a lot of votes and almost goes home so she gets scared that her dream will be crushed and she stays up all night practicing for once in secret and from then she works harder??? smth like that 
 — here!
 — here!


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