coming to a decision regarding my layouts.

a decision regarding my codes;

Hello, yes, it's me again, a wild Rina in the flesh.


It's taken me a while to reach a decision on what to do regarding my layouts following the recent situation. The user who stole the layout Momo and I worked on may have deactivated their account after I posted my last blog, but I'm not fool enough to think that this was a one time incident and I've been thinking of ways to try and avoid another instance like this one. In this case, I didn't even know the layout was going to be used—the thief neither subscribed to my layout thread, nor commented to let me know they were using the layout, thus slipping under my radar until another user notified me about the layout (and I'm very grateful for that, seriously). 


Honestly, one reason I've been thinking so much about this is that I really don't want to stop making available codes. I enjoy coding, and realistically I can't use all of the codes I make (I just don't generate that much content on AFF). I also enjoy seeing people use my codes, when my credits and my co-creator's credits are left alone.


That being said, something has to be done differently. I'm aware I can't stop someone determined to steal my codes, but I can do my best to make their lives difficult. This has brought me to making this decision (and it's not one I ever wanted to make, let's be clear on that)—I am going to pull the source links from my galleries.


While my available layouts will still be available, anyone wanting to use them will have to comment on the gallery in order to get the source code dm'd to them. My galleries will also be subscribers-only from here on out, another decision that was difficult to make. 


I will not be allowing distribution of my source codes. The only exception is in the case of applyfic authors using a code for their app layout. Outside of that, if I find out someone is passing my code around, I will not be a happy camper. 


Please do not drive me to making my codes friends-only like the rest of my content, because I enjoy coding and sharing my codes. 


Thank you.  


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You know I'll support you no matter what you decide, but I think this is, while unfortunate, a smarter and safer move for you in the long run.
it must have been a difficult decision to make but i think it was for the best to protect your hard work! and i agree with the "do my best to make their lives difficult" part 😭
that's a great idea! i never considered the reason why most layout makers have their threads sub only is to prevent code stealing but that actually makes a lot of sense. thanks for sharing your layouts, and i hope no one will steal again