Plans for 2022 [2.0] + 1st person or 3rd person POV?


Hi! I know a few things have changed since January that has left some loves and readers confused, so I'm here to fill you in on my plans instead of surprising you with them <3

As of Feb 19th, 2022, here is my to-do list regarding my fanfics:

Commissions/tip rewards come first. 

For example: I have been commissioned for two chapters of my Seulrene fic. Those are my top priority. After that comes Only Forever chapter 3 and Wanna Be Yours chapter 2 to show my gratitude to the people who supported my Baekhyun stories.

I will continue writing Double Trouble drabbles, (and get to work on the first oneshot in May). Soon I will have 20 weeks' worth of Girl Group drabbles/oneshots as well.

I am going to finish Only Forever and Dark Horse before my other Baekhyun stories. They are the oldest of my ongoing stories and don't take up a month worth of sleepless nights like my other 2, 'Invite Only' fanfics. (Wanna Be Yours is special though. I have chapter 2 figured out thanks to the donation, otherwise, it will be a while before I update it with a 3rd chapter).

Again, I write most of my stories out of the kindness of my own heart. I love them all, life just decided to screw me over (^-^)

I'm doing my best, okay? All my stories are always on my mind, but I need the strength in order to do them. It's hard to pick up a pencil, pen, or my phone to write fluff scenes when I have a life emergency. Please be patient with me. I have obligations outside of updating my stories on this site, I wish I could just write for the rest of my life, but I have responsibilities. Adulting is not an easy thing to do. Somedays I need to disconnect from online and breathe.

On a lighter note, I need your opinion! This is for the readers who have bookshelves full of romance novels and the like. Do you prefer 1st person POV for books or 3rd person POV? I'm dusting off a lot of my novel ideas this year and would love to know what kind of books you enjoy the most, POV-wise. Feel free to tell me in the comments or vote in the poll! I'd love to hear from you (^-^)

If you made it to the end of this, thank you for your time. I'm wishing you good health, happiness, safety, and love! Stay awesome.



1st person POV or 3rd person POV? [Book preferences]



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Nisa, I'll be waiting for Dark Horse. 🥰 sjfksdfjk I'M SO CURIOUS ABOUT NEXT CHAPTER and I also just wanna squish X-Baek. 🥺 My baby. 🥺
About your poll, I actually prefer 3rd person POV. I think it gives you more opportunities to describe several different characters instead of just focusing on one person. 😊 I used to write in 1st person POV because I thought it was easier, but then I switched to 3rd and never looked back. LOL
Oh My Gosh!! You are so organized and busy!!