trigger: mentions of death


FULL NAME. Yoo Dongkyu .

  Donkey – a nicer way of calling him an . myungjin originally came up with the genius nickname since it sounds like his real name, daon started calling him that too recently and she finds it hilarious as well as myungjin and raeyeol. dongkyu on the other hand isn't such a fan.
      dongkyuverymuch – the username that he uses everywhere, whenever he's gaming, on twitch and instagram.  
DATE OF BIRTH. December 14, 1997. (23)

BIRTHPLACE.  Busan, South Korea.
HOMETOWN. Busan, South Korea. 
LANGUAGES. korean.

FACECLAIM. Kim Mingyu.
UALITY. Straight.
APPEARANCE. Dongkyu's grandma gassed him up a lot when he was little so he knows he's good looking. He isn't one to brag about his looks but according to him anyone can look in the mirror and see that they're more attractive compared to the average person. He stands tall at 187cm and 70kg, his body is slim and muscular but nothing crazy. He tries to work out twice a week with myungjin mostly just to maintain his figure instead of get bulky since he eats a lot of junk food. The only negative side to his appearance would be his tan skin but he thinks his attractive face compensates for it. His mom says not to stay out in the sun too much because he tans easily but his grandma says he's good looking either way.
STYLE. Dongkyu's fashion sense is casual, nothing special really. His usual look is a pair of jeans and a tucked in tshirt either plain or a graphic tee. He doesn't care much about brands or shoes but he will gladly wear a Pokémon graphic tee with no shame. The only time he kind of dresses up is when he's going to a party or a job interview.

ENTP-a, hufflepuff, neutral good
(+) hardworking, 
determined, enthusiastic, patient, passionate, energetic, flirty

(-) selfish, childish, clumsy, clueless, insensitive, fickle, inconsiderate

Dongkyu is a good person, even though he has two baby mamas that hate him he's a good person! He's an idiot, yes, a very clueless idiot. So clueless that he doesnt even know he's an idiot. Most of the time when Dongkyu does something offensive he doesn't even realize it because he's so clueless and insensitive. He puts himself first but if someone tells him that he puts himself first he'll disagree because he thinks he's a really caring person. It's not that he's uncaring, he just grew up with his grandma basically telling him to do whatever he wants so he doesn't have a care in the world. If he does anything rude or flaky most of the time its not intentional, he truly doesn't even know that he's hurting the other persons feelings. His blunt ways make you want to slap him across the face sometimes but he doesn't see the point in lying. When he skips out on a date without informing the other person he just forgot to tell them since he usually makes decisions on his own. Him not thinking about the other person is the reason he keeps getting dumped. So basically he means well but he's just stupid and inconsiderate.  

With having more jobs than his fingers could count it might seem like he isn't hard working or consistent but he actually is. He just gets bored easily. His main interest is gaming and he does that everyday for hours just to reach his goal of being a professional gamer. So he is consistent and hardworking, just selectively. Its the same with patience, he has a lot of patience but its selective. Since he gets bored easily he'll zone out when he's not interested and daydream about playing League next to Faker but if its something he's interested in then he could do that thing for hours on end even if its tedious. With his kids he has a lot of patience even though its hard. 

A good thing about him is his enthusiasm. He looks on the bright side of things even when there's many dark sides. Thats why he never gives up no matter how long its been and everyone around him is getting actual jobs. He still has hope. Sometimes it makes him look like an idiot to be so optimistic all the time but thats just how he is. He doesn't like seeing the bad side of things. After getting fired or dumped he always sees it as there will always be another job or more girls instead of dwelling on the past and being sad. 

His enthusiasm causes him to be energetic too. Always seeing the good side gives him the extra boost he needs to keep going and have constant energy. He puts a lot of passion in all that he does, even if he gets bored after a while it can't be said that he didn't try at least at first.

Sometimes he can be childish. He's really good at playing with his kids but with actually changing diapers and doing parenting things he's clumsy and makes a big mess. He jokes around a lot, sometimes he doesn't take things seriously when he has to. Espeically when he's with Raeyeol they crack jokes all the time and laugh at dumb jokes. Him being flirty consists of lame jokes, the realy reason it works is because he's naturally good looking.  

He at expressing his emotions even though he does have deep feelings. He has more important things to do than be sad or think about how he feels. When he's feeling some type of way he just games instead to distract himself. When a girlfriend breaks up with him he quickly dates someone else so he doesn't have to think about it. Thats why he doesn't say he loves someone easily and keeps his relationships on the surface level. No ones ever called him out on his actions except Myungjin and Eunseul but he didn't take it seriously so he's never really been held accountable for his actions.   

His fickle ways causes him to have a wandering eye, something new is always peeking his interest. Its mostly because he didn't find anyone worthwhile to make him want to stay long term. Although he loses interest fast he's never cheated on anyone. He just gets dumped after a while for not putting as much effort as the beginning. If you Google 'how to know if your boyfriend is childish' his picture would come up. He's a good kid with a lot of maturing to do.  


Dongkyu was born into an upper middle class family in Busan, South Korea. His father left when he was a few months old so he has no memory of him. He wont admit it but he was always jealous of people who had good relationships with their father but he never dwelled on the feeling too much.

He grew up with his mom and grandma. His mom is a history professor at Pusan National University. His mom was always kind of harsh and strict on him while his grandma spoiled the crap out of him. The reason is that apparently he looks exactly like his grandpa when he was younger, he passed away before Dongkyu was born so he never knew him. But from the pictures Dongkyu is basically the reincarnated version of his grandfather. With that and being the only grandchild she has, his grandma loves him like crazy to the point where he could do no wrong in her eyes.

His life growing up was easy, they weren’t rich but had more than enough money to go on vacations when they wanted and live a decent life. He hasn’t truly struggled in life yet so he doesn’t know how harsh the world can be since he grew up in his own little bubble with other wealthy friends.  


Dongkyu was never a school kind of person which disappoints his mother to no end. He remembers most of his school days being spent at pc rooms and in the hallway with his arms up because boy just wouldn’t shut up in class or he was asleep.

His grades were terrible, people always talk about the top ranked students but no one mentions the kids on the bottom and Dongkyu somehow managed to be dead last in his grade. He skipped class to go to pc rooms and basically did everything else but study even when his mom paid for him to go to hagwon after school.

Sometimes he’d stay at the pc room playing games and munching on snacks with Raeyeol until early the next day and he’d have to shake mouth wash in his mouth and run back to school. When he went home later his mom would ask where he was and he’d say uhh….school then he’d get his beat with a slipper for lying.  

All throughout high school he had to go to summer school and barely passed by the time he had to graduate. The only reason he got into college was because he did really well on the college entrance exam, he basically studied for 3 days straight with no sleep trying to teach himself the whole year curriculum in a few days and it worked.

He ended up getting the fifth best score in his school getting him a spot in Kyunghee University but rejected the offer to follow his dream of being a professional gamer. His mom almost strangled him on the spot when he told her but he said he’ll prove to her he can be successful and got an apartment in Seoul with Myungjin and Raeyeol who both got into Korea University.  


Since moving out Dongkyu has worked many jobs to make ends meet. He worked at a convenience store, as a bartender, a bust boy, a sign flipper, a cashier at McDonald’s, even dressed as a mascot for the line store convincing people to go in. But the most humiliating one was definitely a clown for kids birthday parties, and yes he can juggle.

He always struggled to keep jobs because he never found any of them interesting enough or he’d come in late because he barely got enough sleep last night since he was gaming all day. Things like that just kept leading to him being fired. He always did Twitch streaming on the side but he didn’t make money from it.

He’s been lying to his mom saying he got a lot of offers from jobs for gaming, whenever she comes around he wears a suit just to convince her even more. Whenever he couldn’t pay his part of the rent his grandma helped him out on the low. She really believes he can be a great gamer so anything she can do to help she will.  


Dongkyu was always popular with the ladies, in highschool he brought a different girl home every month and every time he got a slipper thrown at him for not focusing on his studies. Once he moved to Seoul it just got worse, his friends were all chill when it came to bringing girls to their place and they partied almost every other weekend so basically Dongkyu never had blue balls.

He never took girls seriously though, just dated them because he found them pretty and if it didn’t work out then oh well. He never said he loved anyone besides his mom, grandma, and best friends. So when his girlfriends broke up with him, which they always do, it didn’t bother him as much since he could just get another one. Besides he had more important things on his mind, gaming.  


Dongkyu met Riyu his first baby mama while dressed in a Cony costume for the Line store. He saw her walk by and decided to shamelessly flirt with her while in character. Before she left he even gave her a free Cony headband. Lucky for him the Line store was on her way to work so he saw her a few times a week and asked her out on a date without showing his face. His consistency and constant effort to try and impress her while wearing a ridiculous costume made her curious enough to get to know the guy behind the costume.

They started dating a few months later after he put consistent effort. Riyu was his longest relationship that lasted a year. But just like his job experience he eventually got bored and put less and less effort. He didn’t prioritize her as much as he did in the beginning forgetting to spend time with her and ditching their dates to play of games.  When Riyu told Dongkyu she was pregnant he didn’t believe her because he always used protection. He thought she said that as an excuse for him to spend more time with her and Raeyeol talking in his ear about how she was kind of clingy didn’t help much either.

A week later he broke up with her through text and for the next 3 months Dongkyu paid her no mind when walked past the Line store. The breakup didn’t effect him, he got another girlfriend two weeks later but she struggled with it even though she never showed it.  Dongkyu noticed when Riyu stopped walking by, it was 4 months after they broke up. He never heard anything from her nor did he reach out so he assumed that she just quit her job or got fired.

He didn’t hear from Riyu until 1 year later, she came knocking at his door and dropped off a seven month old Daon claiming it was his kid. “I know this is last minute but I have to cover a coworkers shift at work and can’t find a babysitter so get to know your daughter. Her name is Daon, if she cries put on pororo and if she gets hungry she loves fruit especially bananas but you have to cut it first. Here’s her bag it basically has everything she needs. If you mess up there’s an extra pair of clothes and she’s due for a nap soon so just rub her belly and she’ll knock out. Thanks see you at 9.” Before Dongkyu could even process what she said she walked away and he was left holding Daon and her bag.  

Since finding out about having a daughter Dongkyu has tried to be active in her life, kind of. He isn’t as active of a father as Riyu hoped he would be, he’s great at playing with her but anything else he’s terrible. Leaving Daon alone with him stresses her out because she always somehow comes back a mess. He only sees Daon about once a month, only his grandma knows she exists. If his mom found out he knows she'll strangle him for not being financially stable so he plans to tell her after he becomes a pro gamer.  


Dongkyu met Eunseul at a club in Gangnam, they hooked up and started dating a week later. She was basically a stranger but she was a pretty stranger so he was hooked. Their relationship lasted all of six months, she broke up with him because he never paid her any attention. He forgot her birthday, their six month anniversary, he was always late to dates and he never did the cutesy things that she saw in the dramas.

She called him while he was gaming and ranted crying about how her needs aren’t being met and all he said was “mhm uhuh.. yeah babe I gotta go I’m in a game.” She called him five more times after that but he didn’t answer so he broke up with him through text sending a long paragraph and all he sent back was ok. He skimmed through the paragraph and didn’t really understand why he was being dumped. Raeyeol commented that “girls are cruel” but Myungjin pointed out that they’re both just clueless idiots that don’t know how to care for others in which they looked at each other, shrugged, then went back to the game. 

A year later Dongkyu got a phone call from one of Eunseul’s friends saying she passed away in a car crash and that they needed to meet up the next day. The next day he met up with her friend and when he got home he had a whole 5 month old baby in hand.

According to the friend Eunseul was already 2 months pregnant by the time they broke up which she mentioned over the phone but he was too concentrated on the game to hear. She didn’t think he would care about the baby anyways by the way he acted so she didn't bother reminding him, and she didn’t have the guts to have an abortion either. Eunseul didn’t have any other family, she was actually adopted but her adoptive mother died 3 years ago. Basically, no one else was there to take the baby and since Dongkyu is the father he had to step up. When he got home with a baby in hand the first thing that came out of Raeyeol’s mouth was “aw man another one?”  


Dongkyu is still living with his two best friends in the middle of Seoul. It’s been two months since he got Yerim and he still hasn’t gotten used to being a full time dad. Him, Raeyeol and Myungjin all take turns watching her, it’s like she has three clueless dads with Myungjin being the least clueless but still pretty clueless.

He hasn’t let being a dad stop him from chasing his dream though. Usually he just takes Yerim with him to the pc room, even the owner got used to her being there to the point where he watches over her sometimes while Dongkyu is in a game. He’s famous in the pc bang for being really good at league of legends, currently his rank is diamond 1. The reason he keeps playing everyday is because faker got discovered by T1 by reaching rank 1 so he’ll keep playing until his fate is the same. People tell him that there’s no way he’ll do it but he never gives up and games everyday. 

He got signed to Esteem models 4 months ago after going viral for being the hot guy at McDonald’s, more specifically McDonald’s oppa. He only worked there for a few weeks and a girl posted his picture on social media next thing you know the picture went viral and people started going to the store just to see him.

He got casted by six music companies in the span of a month but had no interest in being a singer so he accepted Esteem’s offer to be a model. He would’ve picked YGKPlus but he lives closer to Esteem so it’s more convenient. So far he’s been in a few magazines and done photo shoots for clothing brands.

His Instagram and twitch following also went up to 342k and on twitch he has 121k. Technically he became an influencer by force since he never planned on getting popular on Instagram but now he makes money just by posting pictures of products and streaming while playing League so life is pretty good. 

His mom currently thinks he’s working for a gaming company creating games and testing them. This isn’t a total lie though! Raeyeol creates mobile and pc rpg that Dongkyu usually tests. It’s far from a gaming company though and the rpgs are usually based so it’s not even a job he actually enjoys it. She also still has no idea that he has any kids, neither does his grandma. She hasn’t visited in the two months that Yerim has been around. But with his popularity going up it’s only a matter of time until she finds out the truth.  


Dongkyu was waiting for the bus with Yerim and she suddenly wouldn’t stop crying. No matter what he did she didn’t pay him any mind and kept sobbing. Waiting at the bus stop too was Chohee who offered to help and stopped Yerim from crying in almost an instant. They got into a small talk about children and Chohee mentioned the Single Parents Club and that he should attend their first meeting next week. They exchanged phone numbers and the day before Chohee texted him the day before to remind him so he shows up and he did. The only expectation he had when joining was to learn how to take care of Yerim better but he gained a lot more than just that.

character quotes: 
"did it hurt.. when you fell from heaven?"
"shi- ship ship ship"
"lets go to the worst rated restaurant and see if its good" 5 minutes later... "i see why its the worst rated.."
"i bet i can beat your high score"
"are you like.. stupid or something?"
*slips in a dirty joke here*
"your mom- HAH!"
"why should i apologize when i was right..?"
"oh geez am i in trouble again? what i do this time?"
"does anybody know what she's talking about becasue she lost me after the first sentence"
"i can't cook but i think i have potential, i was a ing pro at cooking mama- fudging! goddamnit-"
"yeah she's hot but she isn't hatsune miku"
"guys!! my moms on the way!! help me look professional!"

✔ anyone: picks up yerim for the first time
dongkyu: "be careful she bites" 

yerim: crying from her room 
dongkyu: screaming from his room while playing league with no intention of getting up "shh yerim-ah daddys here!" 
raeyeol: from his room "myungjin!!"
myungjin: mumbling to himself as he makes his way to yerim "i can't believe i'm a father of three at 23"

daon: "mommy said i can't have candy"
dongkyu: "but mommy isn't here is she?"
an hour later, daon hyper af
riyu: "did you give her candy-"
dongkyu: "...no..."

dongkyu: "remember that girl i hooked up with last week?"
raeyeol: "blonde girl with the big feet?" 
dongkyu: "yeah! she called me like three times yesterday-"
raeyeol: "what are you married?"
dongkyu: "thats what im saying!"
myungjin: "... you guys are jerks"

yeojoo: "how do i look?"
dongkyu: "like you got hit by a truck and put lipstick on"

myungjin: walks into dongkyu jumping on a trampoline in the middle of the livingroom "why is this happening.." 
dongkyu: "daon said she wanted a trampoline so i got one!"
myungjin: to raeyeol "you approve of this?"
raeyeol: unbothered "yeah i like trampolines"
myungjin: "but wheres all our stuff?"
dongkyu: "the dumpster"
myungjin: "WHAT-"
[they retireved all the items before the garbage man took it away and he returned the trampoline :(]




✔ he mostly games with raeyeol, myungjin is occassional when he isn't studying  
✔ he mostly plays league of legends, minecraft, pubg, fifa, starcraft, overwatch on pc
he has a nintendo switch, playstation 4 and an oculus quest 2
daon really loves playing just dance on the switch. they're really good at dancing together.
 his room setup is somewhat like this 
✔ he has an unhealthy hatsune miku obsession. his figure collection is pretty huge and he sleeps with a body pillow of her that he hides in his closet when daon comes around
he is a proud pokemon go player 
they used to have a small game room but that room turned into yerim's room so all their consuls and the foozeball table is in the living room
he watches anime and reads manga on his spare time. his favorite is attack on titan but he also has a strange obsession for love live. no cap he knows all their songs, hatsune miku too. he thinks his love live figure collection is small but thats only because his hatsune miku collection is huge. his favorite love live character is nico, say nico nico nii and he'll get weak in the knees
he mostly listen to anime music, love live, hatsune miku, kda, his favorite artist thats an actual person is gidle and twice since they voiced kda. he likes miyeon and sana the best. 
he's a er for cute things. cute >>> y
he would definitely crack up at dirty jokes made for 13 year olds
he can skateboard but not do all the tricks
he has a black electric scooter that daon loves riding on but Riyu thinks its way too dangerous
daon eats everything so he gives her all his veggies since he hates them  
he's always late smh
he isn't shy with skinship with guys too. he lives with two guys so he doesn't mind cuddling up
whenever yerim cries his go to tactic is to start fake crying too
some people ask for his autograph when he's outside and he's still getting used to all the attention
when he gets sad he locks himself in his room and just games without coming out or shaving or anything. but its rare for him to get like that. the last time he got that sad was when yeojoo beat him at mario kart.
he hates the taste of coffee so he rather drink energy drinks to stay up. you know its bad when he drinks starbucks double shot energy
don't trust him with the snack table, he will eat it all up without any regret
he doesn't gain weight easily and eats like crazy, especially junk food
he's a social drinker and a sad drinker. when he's sad he drinks his saddness away. he can drink 3 bottles of soju before getting drunk. gets tipsy at around two. just gets extra loud when he's drunk, more blunt and laughs a lot more at things that aren't even funny.
he struggles with spicy food 
he still can't change a diaper properly. he gags everytime so myungjin does it most of the time 
he spoils the out of daon and yerim too but she doesn't appreciate him since she a mean baby smh
daon knows he's weak for acting cute so she does that to get her way
daon likes sitting on his shoulders
daon prefers superheroes over princesses


1. hello! please introduce yourself and say a few fun facts about yourself.  Hi i’m Yoo Dongkyu, you might recognize me as McDonald’s oppa. I’m a future pro gamer but for now I’m a model and streamer. A fun fact about be is I’m diamond rank in League of Legends, for those who doesn’t know what that means it means I’m pretty ing good. I mean fudging! sorry I’m still working on the whole not cursing in front of the kids thing.  

2. how many children do you have? what are their names? is there anything you want to say about them? I have two daughters, Daon is 4 and Yerim is 7 months. They’re both girls. I don’t see Daon as often but she wants to be the hulk and she likes when I take her to the gym. As for Yerim she’s been babbling a lot and started crawling recently so she's basically a grown woman.  

3. how old were you when you became a single parent?  I officially became a dad at nineteen but I became a single parent only two months ago

4. at what point did you really realize you would have to take all the sole responsibilty of your child/children from now on? When I got home holding a whole baby it kind of hit me. I remember just staring at her with my two roommates trying to process that I’m a single father now. My ex girlfriend actually passed away in a car crash so I became the sole guardian of Yerim. It was really sudden because i didn’t talk to her for a whole year or even know she was pregnant. But Yerim's still alive and has all her fingers so I’d say I’m doing a good job.

5. personally, what do you think is the hardest thing about being a single parent? Can i say everything? Its hard to pinpoint one thing but I guess the hardest part is the crying. Sometimes she’s so loud its hard for me to focus on gaming and I get even less sleep than I already do. The fact that she’s a girl makes it hard too, it’s just awkward you know. I think it’ll be easier if I had a son since I already know what to do with that.

6. what is one thing you want to tell people who have single parents or are a single parent themselves? Single parents… you guys are strong as fudge. My mom is a single parent, well she had my grandma but still I wasn’t the best child so it makes me appreciate her more. All kids should appreciate their parents.


FULL NAME: Choi Riyu.
DATE OF BIRTH: July 11, 1997.
BIRTHPLACE. Seoul, South Korea.
HOMETOWN. Seoul, South Korea. 
LANGUAGES. fluent in korean & semi fluent english.

FACECLAIM. Jung Chaeyeon.
UALITY. straight.
APPEARANCE. Riyu is very pretty but not as many guys approach her as you’d think because she looks so mean. She doesn’t want people approaching her either so she intentionally glares at everyone that happens to stare a little too long. She doesn’t think she’s as pretty as others say though, Dongkyu finds her beautiful. He wouldn’t date her if she wasn’t actually, he just thinks she needs to smile more and work on her fashion.

STYLE. As for Riyu’s style she usually just wears black. She prefers pants over skirts and likes to wear big shirts too. She doesn't dress feminine at all and likes thrift shopping.

PERSONALITY: INFJ, true neutral, reserved, intimidating, intellectual, independent, analytical, emotional, skeptical, caring, warm, practical

Riyu is kind of mean. She speaks fluent sarcasm and passive aggression. She has a hard time letting people in and prefers to be alone, staying home and doing her own thing instead of going to crowded places. She prefers to hang out one on one or with a small group instead of going somewhere loud like a club. When she has a problem she'll deal with it on her own instead of complaining to friends. She seems cold but once she opens up to you she'll warm up and show her caring side but it'll take a long time because she doesn't trust others easily. She bottles up her feelings, she can be emotional but prefers to solve emotional issues rationally. She can be lovey dovey and cute but its a rare sight. Her sense of humor is dark and she likes to make fun of her friends in a lighthearted way. Her friends sometimes call her mean but they don't actually mean it, its just how she is. She actually wears her heart on her sleeve, thats why she doesn't trust others easily because she doesn't want others to see the vulnerable side of her. If she let you in before it takes her a while to recover from it because she values those she was close to. Her friend circle is really small.  

FIRST MEETING: They met when Dongkyu worked as the Line Store mascot and dated for a year. He thought she was pretty so he wanted some of that and she thought he was a cute idiot.

LOVESTORY: Riyu has been dealing with Dongkyu since she introduced Daon into his life. Her expectations of him as a father aren’t high since he does the bare minimum and can’t do anything right. Riyu hasn’t dated anyone since Dongkyu, he was her first boyfriend and she always pictured her first being her last. The fact that she didn’t have that ruined her out look on dating and relationships so she isn’t interested to date anyone else. She has a pessimistic view on it and think it'll just end up in a failure. 

CURRENT STATUS: Their current status is co-parenting with Riyu doing most of the work. He sees Daon about once a month. Him and Riyu don’t talk unless it’s about Daon mostly because he hasn't put the effort. She would be happy to talk to him but doesn't even get her hopes up with that. He hasn't seen Daon in the two months that he's had Yerim since he's been too busy taking care of her so she has no idea he has another kid. She's actually mad at him at the moment for not seeing his daughter who misses him. 

ENDING: They get together again! Dongkyu learns how to be a better dad thanks to the single parents club and tries to be in Daon’s life more. They fall in love all over again after spending more time together and he becomes less selfish, more attentive and romantic to Riyu. Then she becomes the first girl he says I love you to.

✔ she isn't a gamer but she's naturally really good at it 
✔ their personalities clash so they fight often but thats mostly when dongkyu is being selfish and dumb. when he's not they're really good and get along easily since opposites attract
✔ she steals his clothes often
✔ he's good at making her laugh
✔ she's strict to daon and when daon gets upset she says she wishes daddy was here instead
✔ daon loves seeing her parents together and tries to get them to kiss. unlike other kids it makes her really happy when they do skinship
✔ riyu has her own apartment in seoul
✔ when she's upset at him he acts cute and she breaks eventually
✔ shes actually really cuddly when she warms up
✔ her parents don't like him, they're strict and intimidating. put a lot of pressure on her
✔ she's hard on herself and dongkyu is good at making her feel better when he's actually attentive
✔ she gets mad more easily than him. most of the time when she's mad he has no idea why
✔ she studied journalism in school and is an english teacher at a middle school
✔ she gets shy with pda in public but she actually loves it, she gets blushy easily
✔ he's really good at playing with riyu and making a mess then they'd both fall asleep on the floor in their pillow fort and riyu just sighs having to clean it all up
✔ daon likes playing a little rough, she enjoys getting thrown in the air and tackling her dad while riyu thinks they play too much 


ENTJ, chaotic neutral

Yerim is a smart 7 month old, she loves doing the complete opposite of what is said to her. But the catch is that its only towards guys! Yerim grew up with only her mom for the first few months of her life so she isn’t used to males and for some reason that equates to her being mean to guys. She doesn’t listen to guys as well as she listens to girls and its almost as if she does it on purpose despite not even being 1. If Dongkyu says not to do something she’ll do it but if a girl tells her she won’t do it. Feeding her, changing her, playing with her, putting her to sleep, all of it is a task because she’s so combative. She finds joy in throwing things at boys faces and watching them wince when she bites them or pulls their hair. He would say that she’s a hard kid to take care of but if the babysitter is a girl she’s actually really loving and easy. She doesn’t even cry a lot unlike when she’s with Dongkyu. Dongkyu hasn’t yet found a guy that she’s completely nice too. Out of all of them she’s nicest to Myungjin but even he’s not spared when she gets fussy.


ESFP, chaotic good

As for Daon she’s wild and loud and a tomboy just like her mother. Even though she only sees him once a month she’s definitely a daddy’s girl and loves spending time with Dongkyu. When she doesn’t see him she cries and throws a fit but it all goes away when he’s around. She will give any oo a kiss and likes to give hugs. Her energy never seems to go down until it reaches 8 and she knocks out on the dot. She can be wild and jumps into things without thinking causing her to get in trouble with Riyu often. She loves getting her dads attention and cries easily if she falls down but as soon as her father gives her a kiss all the tears stop like magic. Most of the time she’s easy going and gets along with anyone. As long as you can keep up with her endless energy and silly ways then she’s easy to take care of.


ISFP, lawful good

Eunseul was shy and dreamy. She spent a lot of time in her head, a timid person that kept her feelings to herself until it all bottled up and she exploded like she did before breaking up with Dongkyu. She had a big heart and put others before herself most of the time. With Yerim she was very attentive, Yerim was really clingy to her and didn’t like being with strangers. Now that she’s gone Yerim learned to adopt to being clingy towards women in general.

Lee Naeun


ISFJ, lawful neutral 

Myungjin is the most rational of the best friend trio. He’s very caring about his friends and somehow gets dragged into all their bull even though he knows it’s probably stupid. He’s the only one thats been in a long term relationship and the only one still in school. He’s currently in medical school trying to become a plastic surgeon just like his father. Unlike Dongkyu and Raeyeol he has high morals and actually takes other peoples feelings into consideration. He gives a lot of good advice that neither Dongkyu or Raeyeol listen to. They call him grandpa because he prefers to stay home and read books or study. He still can’t comprehend how he became friends with them. You know how they say theres an angel and a devil on your shoulder, Myungjin is the angel.

Cha Eunwoo


ESTP, chaotic neutral 

Raeyeol is the devil on Dongkyu’s shoulder. Instead of encouraging him to do the right things like Myungjin he tells him to do the bad things and for some reason Dongkyu listens to him more. He can be wild and is open to new experiences, always down for anything crazy. Somehow coming up with the most crazy solutions. He’s known as the heartbreaker of the group and has never been dumped because he always dumps them before they dump him to keep his pride. He came from a rich family and doesn’t have a care in the world for others because why should he. He doesn’t have a job since his parents spoil the crap out of him and pay his rent so he just makes games for fun. Either way he’ll inherit a ton of money because he’s the only child. He’s actually really book smart, he went to school for computer science and is a hacker on the low. He might be book smart but he’s clueless when it comes to relationships. Anyways if you need to hack into your bfs phone to see if he’s cheating on your then let him know! He'll probably do it for free just out of curiosity but if he doesn't like you then he'll charge.

Jeon Wonwoo


ENFJ, chaotic good

Grandma Ryuna is the sweetest grandma you’d ever meet. She was a wild child with strict parents back in the day so she just wants young people to live their life free doing what they love. Any advice she would give young adults is to live their life to the fullest while they’re young because it goes by fast. All of Dongkyu’s friends love her, she spoils all of them and brings gifts every time she comes over. She knows about Dongkyu’s two kids and has gone to Seoul to meet them without Gayoon knowing. She can be mischievous and covers up for Dongkyu often. Daon loves seeing her grandma because she always has candy and is a pro with Yerim. She’s yet to meet Riyu though.

Kim Haeseok


INTJ, lawful good

Gayoon is clueless when it comes to her son. She thinks she knows everything when she knows absolutely nothing about him. All she knows is the surface, his grandma knows him a lot better. She wants the best for him and is really hard on him and herself. Sometimes she feels like she’s too hard on him but its not easy to play the mother and father role. She doesn't want him to feel like he has to lie to her though and wishes to be closer to him. But he also doesn’t want to disappoint her since he knows she expects a lot. Her personality is more uptight and strict than her mother who is considered way more fun.

Choi Jiwoo


INFP, neutral good 

Yeojoo is Myungjin’s girlfriend and has been for the last 5 years, which is way too long in Dongkyu and Raeyeol’s opinion. They started dating a few months after they started their freshman year of college so she’s been there through a lot and basically know almost everything that goes on since Myungjin rants to her about his hardships of being the only one with a brain. She comes over the house occasionally and cleans up for the boys, cooks for them, is basically their mom that drops by once in a while. When Yerim won’t go to sleep or its just too tough for them she comes and saves the day. She just wants to spread peace and harmony, she’s also really easygoing. If it wasn’t for her Myungjin would’ve popped a vein by now from living with those two. Her and Dongkyu have a bickering relationship but it’s all playful. He still can’t beat her in Mario Kart.

Kim Sejeong


INTP, chaotic good 

Hojung is the owner of the Pc Bang in Seoul thats near Dongkyu’s place, his father is the one that owns it but he just monitors it. He’s a complete idiot, he tries to flirt with the girls that go there but has no game. He even tried of Yeojoo before he learned she was taken. They all tried to help him but he’s really a lost cause. Dongkyu’s mom went there before to meet him and since then Hojung has had a huge crush on his mother. He constantly asks when she’s coming again and Dongkyu hates it with a passion. He’s also the one that takes care of Yerim when the rest are gaming, she really hates him for some reason and bites him like crazy but he deals with it anyways to help his friends. He’s clumsy and awkward but means well. He doesn’t have many friends so he considered Dongkyu and his crew his friends, when they invite him places he gets really excited and grateful. Even though he's awkward he means well and is really sweet.

Jung Haein


ESTP, chaotic evil 

Sunyeon is the opposite of Riyu, she’s feisty, adventurous and bold. She knows all about Riyu and Donkgyu's relationship and has a strong hatred for Dongkyu that everyone knows, even him. If something bad ever happened to him she would literally throw a party. Whenever Riyu talks about him she gets upset because she can do so much better and deserves someone better than him. Her insults towards him are oddly specific and creative, whenever he’s around or mentioned she can’t help but say every curse in the book. Dongkyu rolls his eyes just by the sound of her screaming from the car when Riyu drops off Daon. She’s really protective and knows her friend is actually a softie so she tries her best to protect her from bad people and Dongkyu is one of the bad people on her list. She can read Riyu like a book and instantly tell when something wrong, usually blaming it on Dongkyu even if it has nothing to do with him. To everyone else but him she’s sweet except to guys that try to flirt with her she acts bougie and disgusted. Her standards are high and she’s yet to find someone that fits her standard.

Kang Mina


COMMENTS. thanks for the extension! i at explaining things so sorry if he's terrible or doesn't add up. you can come up with the details to his love story with riyu and how his mom finds out he's been lying this whole time or if he actually becomes the pro gamer he dreams of being. I hope theres not too many side characters, I just added the ones I thought were important.
PASSWORD. is fried chicken a snack? because be be stacking them bones up. if not chicken then doritos. he likes any kind but his favorite is nacho cheese.



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