ENTRY#6 (30 day journalling challenge)

A/N: This is late af, but oh well ;)


Giving myself a compliment is one of the rarest things I do for myself and through this journalling challenge, I'm experiencing a lot and new things—things I never thought I would. 

(P.S. plays NCT Kick It in the bg kkkkkkkk~)

So here goes;

I thought about this entry for a reaaallllyyyy long time, and wasn't able to find one thing to compliment myself for easily, but then after a while of meditating XD (alright guys, I didn't haha, maybe a little of contemplation? I guess). Anyways, I guess I will be able to give myself one if I dig into my own self. 

So, I will speak for my inner self, the self that knows me better. The self that nobody knows about, even my own family members. 

The self that only 'me' and she knows. 

Hi Louie!

 It's me ^^ I'm very sire you know me! I'm with you always, in your every ups and every downs. Your partners in every crime and the conscience you consult whenever you're at loss and nobody dares help. 

I'll make it quick, I want to compliment you for being pure hearted? haha, nope. Actually you're very naive and gullible. But alongside that trait, you are someone who's also deep, assuming innocence in everything before jumping into conclusions and get mad. 

I want yo compliment you for being the gullible friend you are to your peers, thus resulting to better judgement. Of course most of them would laugh at you for being naive but that only proves how much you needed care,

which leads down to another compliment.

Yes, you need a lot of care and need all of it that you can get in the world, but because you're Louie and you were born in an unlucky circumstances, you needed to grow up immediately so you can tend to all your loved ones around you. 

I want to compliment you for being a young adult (congrats on writing a poem about that too!) I can feel the raw emotion in each word written. The embarassment, the insecurity, I know all of them! Not to mention the slight hint of anger? I guess?

I know you were small and needing care but people refused to give you some, so you learned to do things your own, and now that you can stand on your own feet, they start to dictate you into doing things, hoping you'd be a marionette to every command. 

You still have a lot of way to conquering people's judgements I know that, because you're still fearful of a lot of things but I want you to know that I'm proud of you! That I want you to keep your pure heart when everything else in this world is corrupted. 

Don't be ashamed of your naivety 
or blame your gullibility
because that's what made you,  you

Love lots!



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I love how you did this. You took the time to figure out what you wanted to compliment yourself. Sometimes it's rare for us to give ourselves compliments, but we need it sometimes. Good blog entry <3