▷ 𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄  ◁  ▷  민 타일러 IS READY TO SHINE  ◁ [wip; Yeosang plot!]

guys howmst the f--- does one romanize "Tyler"? cause I'm currently sitting on 타이레르 and somehow it sounds wrONG IN MY HEAD??

GOD BLESS HARU FOR EXIST8NG SHE SAYS ITS 타일러 okay back to not editing code on aff from mobile before I break it 

okay i love you guys but it's 2am i'm going to bed

the plot page! the story!

replace with fc
replace with fc

birthname. Min Tyler [민 타일러]

Min Taehyung ; Taehyung is, in fact, Tyler's Korean name, and one that he answers to only approximately 3% of the time simply because he's American, he grew up hearing Tyler, even from his parents, not Taehyung.
Taylor ; Tyler's alternative English name, doled out to the male due to an unfortunate but still hilarious misunderstanding where Tyler introduced himself (in English) as Tyler and, with his heavy Southern accent, was misheard as saying "Taylor". It's not a huge issue, and he'll answer to it if he's feeling it, but it's mostly just a massive joke, especially among the Pyrite boys.
Ty, Tyty ; common English nicknames, but also his stagename [see below!]
Ty ; Tyler's stagename is Ty (instead of Tyler) because Tyler is a mouthful and a half when romanized, but Ty is simple and easy to prnounce, short and sweet, and also much easier to remember.
Tyler Min ; while not a nickname, it's important to note that Tyler is the name he's gone by over pretty much the entirety of his career in dancing. When dancing in America, when dancing in Korea, when teaching or helping do choreos, anything and everything he's had a hand in that's dance-related? It's all under the name Tyler Min. Tyler is his name, but it's also his identity. (As such, he has a number of fans that refer to him as Tyler instead of as Ty because they followed his progress as a dancer through his dance activites long before debut.)
Freckles ; one of Tyler's defining physical traits -- arguably his most defining physical trait -- is his freckles, which he wears as proudly as possible, like badges of honor, the stories of his time under an unrelenting sun on the beaches of beautiful Charleston and sunny Los Angeles. As such, back int he states, he was something known among his friends as "Freckles", not that Tyler minded. 
— nickname
— nickname
— nickname
— stage names, underground names, etc should be included in this section
— nickname

birthdate.  June 8, 1999
birthplce. Charleston, South Carolina
ethnicity. Korean-American

— no more than 4 languages of any fluency
English ; this is his native language, and the one he speaks with the most fluency and comfortablility. he's a little sketchy with slang on occasion, since he's no longer living in America and therefore as exposed to the adjustements in the language (like how "yeet", "GOAT", "finsta", etc kind of just appeared overnight)
Korean ; technically his other native language, though Tyler's Korean skills were actually pretty rusty when he first came to Korea; in his defense, however, it's because he mostly spoke English at home, and only spoke Korean to his extended family that lived in Korea (aka grandpa and grandma, the super traditional aunts and uncles, etc.)
Spanish ; 1 basic year, taken during middle school bc required (American school are a hot mess, man); luckily only had to do the one because bLESS GOING TO LIVE OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY YO

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faceclaim.   Felix Lee (Stray Kids)
backup fc.   CYA (Onewe), Hwanwoong (Oneus), IM (Monsta X)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT.   173 cm and 53 kg


— The most noticable thing about Tyler is the fact that he’s...well. He’s kind of short. Shorter than most male idols, at least. It’s not something that Tyler gets hung up over, though. If anything, he takes pride in his smaller stature, claiming with a cheeky smile that it means he has more places to hide during a game of hide and seek (the most important thing, obviously), but also that he has a lower center of gravity and can move better while dancer or doing parkour.


— here

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ISFP?, Earthbender, Dauntless, Instinct, Raven(rin)claw
....he's probably a Gemini, too. we're crazy

confident, passionate, charismatic, observant, practical
independent, curious, competitive, flirty, perfectionist
unpredictable, impulsive, chaotic, hyper-critical, defiant

charming, charismatic
Tyler is a fairly relaxed individual, someone with a generally positive and upbeat demeanor that lends to an overall popularity among others. He’s likable, personable, relatable, and often assumes the role in groups of both a mood-maker and a go-between, managing a careful balancing act between the more responsible and the more chaotic. Because of his time spent in America during his youth, Tyler’s personable attitude and overall amicable nature makes him something of a favorite among foreign fans. He has the know-how of Korean culture, but also the affable relatability of a chaotic American, and there’s just something about that combination that draws the fans in. (In this regard, Tyler is often compared to the likes of Paradox’s Sam, KARD’s BM, Day6’s Jae and YoungK, Got7’s Mark, etc.)

Beneath his more introverted nature, Tyler burns with a passion for the things he loves and holds dear. And while there are many things he loves, chief among them is dance. Dance, in all forms, in every form, is something he feels strongly about, and it’s a topic Tyler never fails to get fired up over.

confident, flirty
Part of what makes Tyler so very....well, Tyler, is the fact that he’s a confident, bold individual. He’s comfortable with himself for the most part, and it shows in every little thing he does. He’s not so much a take-charge, swagger-stepping, testosterone-pumped, dominating presence kind of guy, but he is very sure. He knows what he can do, what he’s capable of, and what sits beyond his capabilities, and Tyler has no qualms with owning up to it. On top of that confidence and the charm is knowing what he is and what he can do, Tyler is a Grade A flirt. If it’s on two legs and won’t hit him for it, Tyler can and will flirt. Gender’s not a problem (though he’s careful not to be too forward when flirting with guys, and makes sure it’s something that can be passed off as innocuous, or at least something between friends). Additionally, his confidence plays a role here, particularly when he’s performing or on camera. He’ll take his flirt game and run with it until he can’t run any more. (Or, alternatively, either he can’t run anymore or someone beats him at his own game.)

independent, defiant

observant, curious

practical, strategic

perfectionist, hyper-critical


unpredictable, impulsive


bckground. here


— years and dates, please. EVERYONE must but in the company by JUNE 2016. the years they could have entered the company are JAN 2014 - JUNE 2016


— main dance, vocal #2 // Yeosang
dance : Uniq's Wang Yibo : 01 02 03 ||  blurb here
vocal : MX's IM? : 01 02 03 ||  blurb here
speech : MX's IM or SKZ's Felix! : 01 02 03 || in short all you need to know: demon trucker voice that no one expects out of that damn cute face of his
parkour : if i can find one, it'll be here. if not, this will be like....example videos, I guess? to show the sort of things he can do
tricking/acrobatics : if I can find a good one, otherwise I'll just link stuff Mark/Jackson have done, maybe some tricks Tyler's mastered over the years. see trivia for some of the dumb he's done to himself while mastering said tricks 


— here


— here


— misc trivia here


— cause i like music

Tyler said....what?

— aka "Tyler....is an idiot. go figure."
— “ it up, buttercup!”
— “Go for the kill, daffodil!”
— “Fight the power, sunflower!”

incorrect quotes!

— feel free to add playlists, quotes, etc, the more the merrier but it isn't required

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— only important relationships, but format as you'd like and collabs are welcome <3

— relation : name / occupation / personality traits / closeness


— relation : name / occupation / personality traits / closeness


— relation : name / occupation / personality traits / closeness


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— the interviewer is none other than yuri! feel free to include her in your responses, she's a sweetie. this is being filmed, something to be noted for perspective


— here


— here


— here


— Tyler’s lips twitch, the sort of twitch that betrays the fact that whatever he’s thinking now -- his first, immediate thought and would-be response -- is probably not the sort of thought he should share when he knows he’s being filmed. A pity, really, because Tyler’s knee-jerk responses are usually comedy gold. 


birthname.  Kyler Wang [ x ]
backup lv.  uhhhh matchmake?


— here


— here


— here

comments. here
password. here
ideas / solo stuff / trainee things.

— here



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this is me asking if tyler will be that crackhead calling doyeon "nicki (something, maybe do?)naj"
because yes
*tosses an irish mishmash at you* :D
tyler in hangul is 타일러 :D