Matching Ink : TaengSic Rated M one-shot!

I created the story foreward a while ago but finally just wrote it. Its "longer" than the other I've been putting out (1.7k versus like 500 words lol)  Check it out :


Description : "Taeyeon meets a girl with the same feather tattoo and decides to take her home."


This story Like I wanted to just write a super short and quick about them but instead...I wrote a little more lol. I could have written like an entire novel about them just in the bedroom it felt like. But I decided to stop after their second round lmao. So it you love Taengsic//femalexfemale , you will like this.


Again, please check it out and let me know what you think! :




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Omg! Definitely gonna read this when i get home!!! ^^