Got into a fight with the cat ....

the cat won....


i just need this out because it was a scary experience, ok. so it is a lovely summer day today and my cat, almost 8 years old, has been going out on a leash every once in a while. so i decided, okay, lets do that today as well, the weather is nice and everything is good.

we got onto the grass, he sniffed, all was well until a car drove past. that freaked him out a bit, he pulled on his leash and started hissing (the leash was probably too short and prevented him from getting to perceived safety). 

i think, ok, enough is enough and go to take him up and lead him back inside. he is n o t having any of that, mad hissing. he has hissed at me before though rarely and i've usually just told him "we do not hiss" and done what must be done regardless. this time, though, he went mad bonkers. claws, teeth - everything. latched onto my arms in wild fury. ok ok, i put him down again. im bleeding. a lot.

cat is still hissing. i can't go anywhere near him and i can't leave him out there and i'm pretty shocked. so i end up practically pulling him a little way. he gets on his feet and i can pull him the right direction as he walks the rest of the way. we get into the apartment again and he hisses at me again. cat. 

but i'm too shocked, honestly, to care for that. i'm also really scared because well, i'm really afraid this would mess up our relationship and that animal saved my life when he came into it back in 2013. so i'd really not want to mess up what we have, you know? for one stupid incident that just stressed out both of us.

ok, so i wash the wounds and they're looking pretty nasty tbh and decide, i might as well go to the er. i can't remember when i got my last tetanus shot (it was in 2016, it appears) so i go to the er and show them my bloody arms like "got in a fight with my cat". and i cried in the er due to the shock and im wearing a swim suit top because i had initially wanted to go to the beach so im not really looking pretty at all. (which matters to me, ok)

anyway, the wounds are superficial but the doctor dresses them with bandaids anyway, prescribes me some penicillin for the next three days and i go to radiology to see my coworker and just tell him everything because honestly, i'm still shocked at the event happening and i need to talk it over. he's a good man, "scolds" the cat playfully, idk, and everything gets a little better. 

i then realize, as i'm looking at my bandaged up wrists, that the stupid wounds are located so that it literally looks like i tried to hurt myself. so i have to go to the pharmacy, knowing well enough, that i now look like i've tried to hurt myself because all people can see is two white bandages on each of my wrist. great. T_T

i have sworn against disinfectant the next couple of days, no matter how covid-crazy the society gets, because that is going to hurt so bad. until the wounds close, i'm just not doing it, i'm sorry. 


so, yeah. the cat totally won this round. 

(p.s. he seems like he's forgiven me and i've forgiven him so we're friends again. i have also put the leash away and told him, there's no chance in ing hell he is ever going on that leash outside ever again. until i move in a home where i can build a catio, there's not a chance of going outside. then again, i'm not sure he'll really miss it, considering this wasn't exactly the greatest experience of the outdoors...)


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omg you’ve been through a lot :((( your cat (and eventually you too) definitely had a bad day after that experience. i’m glad you forgave your cat, he probably didn’t mean to cause you harm because i know he loves you as he’s stuck around for the past few years. you know that thing sometimes when we (or maybe this is just me) spit out words we don’t really mean in bouts of anger and end up hurting the person we were arguing with? think about that but in cat language. ha ha, hope your relationship got better over the past month! all the best to your health!
He was scared. Should something like this happen again a blanket or towel to wrap around him might help. He will probably still miss it. This incident scarred you more than him. (in more ways than We use a large fence pen intended for smaller dogs with our cat. Paired with a lead that is the right length to stop her from jumping over. (it's probably a meter ish high?) for camping it attaches to a kennel sized for large dogs. We have a well behaved ground preferring kitty which helps I will include a link to a post of her full setup. Her harness is designed to keep her safe. It's not the usual "catsafe" kind as the place we were at has farm dogs and cows.
Glad you made it through as well as you did. Hopefully the penicillin keeps you from getting an infection.