Opinions on karens

So karens doesn't only existed in america. they can be anywhere but personally i haven't had an encounter yet but it can happen anytime. Karens can be your typical stereotype karen like  short blonde hair, white person and always asks for the manager. There's also karens that are so entitled to themselves and they think they're so on the point of the argument or "winning" the arguement which is clearly they aren't XD yall they're hella rude too. They would always reason out of things and shoving the blame into you. Karens are also known to be racists which is true but they're in denial that they are racists. Here are some of their favorite lines "may i speak to your manager" "i am not a karen, my name is ..." "what's your name ?" "YOU'RE the one who's rude here" "yOuR'e AtTaCkInG mE" "go ahead film me" "where's your parents?" "im not a racist person! You are!" "StOp AtTaCkInG mE" and the finishing winning line is "I'm calling the cops". Let me know if i missed any facts about them down below in the comments lol til next time :3


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eh from what I understand, I think a karen is just your stereotypical white lady who is super annoying and entitled.

sometimes karen's will argue that it's wrong to label them as a karen, and would compare it to the n word (which is totally different)