nail care is important as well now i guess oof

it's been awhile since i wrote something here rather than my blogs about kpop issues huh? so let's talk about nails!! i have decided to grow my nails out as an experiment only. but it kinda grew into me now hehehehe it is pretty hard to do things if you have nails that are long but my nails aren't really long but it's progressing to be very long soon! my nails have been growing since last month so this is a month growth. typing in the keyboard can be a bit umcomfortable but im trying to get used to it hehehehhe also i can give yall tips on growing nails now ig???? welp here it is


HOW TO GROW YOUR NAILS: (my opinion and what i've learned)

  • eat healthy *if not, it's fine as well*
  • take vitamins if you're lazy like me to eat healthy lol also you gotta take em daily! *no skipping!!*
  • wear nail polish!! *this is like an added protection to your nails so that it hardens it*
  • always wear a top coat if you wear nail polish *so that the polish wont chip as easily*
  • push those cuticles and scrape em off!! *use a cuticle softener and scrape them off gently or if you're like me i be butchering my cuticles and cutting them lol dont cut them tho because your cuticles might bleed*
  • always be cautious of water *the water is our enemy here, they weaken the nails but ofc you gotta take a shower! just be careful of em nails; hurts like a when you bent em*
  • use nail oil *jojoba oil its bomb all, it strengthens your nails ig?? tbh i dont use em often since i dont like sticky under my nails lol*
  • DONT bite your nails! *try picking a hobby up or use social media to forget nail biting works wonderful for me since i was a nail biter before TT*
  • LET TIME DO ITS THANG!!! * everyone is different and unique so let time do it's thing so your nails can grow, it may grow fast or slow*
  • BE PATIENT!! *gurl you gotta have this if you really have commitment to growing em nails because it aint gonna grow over night tf*
  • 1.base coat, 2.nail polish, 3.top coat *this is the layers you gotta follow to give your nails some protection btw*
  • staining your nails *if you start to have a yellow-ish stain in your nails, it's prolly the polish because if you wear nail polish; your nails are gonna be stained from frequent use of nail polishes duh also DONT BLEACH YOUR NAILS, it can weaken it*
  • DONT BUFF YOUR NAILS *the layers of your nail beds will weaken because of buffing and can damage your nails*
  • dont file your nail beds *can damage your nail beds and will weaken it*
  • dont use nail clippers *use a glass nail file instead of emery board nail files since it files fast and cleaner as well; nail clippers can break those nails! split em in half yikes!!*


andddddd that's it oof hehehehe i hope yall can follow this or not and leave a comment down below if you have more tips on growing nails or if you are growing your nails as well; i'll check em out^^


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