8 Facts About Me [Tagged by Bhumig]

First things first,  thank you for tagging me bhumig. And I am super sorry for being so late. 

Well frankly, there is nothing special about me, just the girl next door types~ But anyhow here are the top 8 non-interesting facts about me.

Here we go~

  1. I love to laze around. Pillow is my best friend I rarely meet because of various factors [one being AFF, I spend 50% of my time reading fanfics. And I can get an award for being the biggest procastinator ever. 
  2. I have a bad eyesight. Right eye is -3.75 and left is -3.00. Not that bad but, considering the point I am not exactly the most graceful person on earth, it becomes like herding cats.
  3. I have a chronic disease called not-being-able-to-complete-anything-you've-started. Pretty big name if you ask me, duh. Lol, there is no such dissease, its just me being a lazy . But on a serious note,I really suffer a lot because of this, starting from eating something [packed things, you know? ^-^] or doing assingnments, it becomes really frenetic because of my procastination.
  4. I love animals. I love playing with them, feeding them, and doing everything~ The only reason why I don't have a pet is because my mom says that she has enough of animals at home [that would be my sister and me -_-]
  5. My most visited place would be hospital. I think I go to that place more than the doc himself. Jk, lol. But I am so frequent to that place that few of the staff there already know my name :/ I got scratched by a dog [1st grade] and then by a cat [a week ago] then had to get rabbies shots, I almost broke my ankle in my 11th grade and sprained my wrist pretty badly last year. And the list goes on.
  6. I am a big EXO X BTS shipper to core! I love ma bois, so I ship ma bois.
  7. I am not really proud of this, but I had a phase of my life in which I was so depressed that I almost committed suicide if it wasn't for the last minute interruption by a certain someone. That person, though, unintentionally came in between and still doesn't knows that I am only alive because of them. The self harm levels have drastically gone down now, but then and now, those thoughts keep infecting me.
  8. I am not proud of all my stories, because some are so cringy *like ewww* but I don't have the heart to delete them~

Not exactly a fact, but I love this font ❤

That is all I guess. Nothing interesting.

And I am tagging loveexoxbts, ipurpleexo, buriedphoenix, ShinyVV, btsxrv_exoxbp, dearestnini, SimplyKaiHun, WholesomeBTSFan, knightrider777, Mahogany4, RebornSerenity, SHOdazzlesme, CallMeHaneul, alexajjang. 

Huff, that was a lot of people I wrote, but please feel free to tag yourself, whoever read this~ I wish I could write all the names I know [my subscribers, and readers]


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I can so relate XD!!! I'm a lazy and I know it. If I like something, I kind of become addicted to it. For a while, it was reading novels (I used to stay up until 2am reading novels~yes, I know, I'm a nerd), then tik tok (once I stayed up until 4am on a school night, slept 2 hours and woke up at 6am, and slept on the bus -_-), and now fanfiction. I got this like nerve that every time I open my laptop I 'accidentally' click the bookmark called asianfanfics. And I also have poor eyesight - i mean, not that much, it's less than urs but I still need glasses to see the dead whiteboard or TV -_- I also happen to have the same chronic disease as you. The not-being-able-to-complete-anything-you've-started disease. I end up procrastinating so much that I'm personally shocked I still have good-ish grades. I once had to write this 8 page argumentative essay for English and even though I love arguing with people I, not so surprisingly, didn't do it until 2 days before it was due. I'm sorry to hear you used to go through such a bad time :( No one deserves to go through that. But I'm glad you feel better now :)
loveexoxbts #2
I am so happy you are doing good now. You used to be such a bad shape, now you even joke around ^^ I am really happy you are no longer doing those stuff.
And god, no. 4 XD 😂
I love all your stories btw❤